It was a week ago today that we took
our computer in to get fixed.
Today we stopped by the computer
shop to see how things are going.
The 'motherboard' arrived at his store
today and so our computer
will be staying with him until some
time next week.
I shudder to think what it will cost
but we do what we have to do.
In the meantime I'm learning to
use this lap top.
I'm finding this contraption a lot
different than our desktop computer
but it's better than nothing.
Now if I can figure out how to get my
photo's on here and do some editing
I'll be happy!
I hope you are all enjoying some beautiful
spring weather.
We here in our part of Kansas
are under cloudy skies
and cooler temperatures.
When the sun comes out I will be out
'haying' the lawns
and pulling weeds...yuck.
Maybe it's just as well I can't play
with photo's right now ;)
I hope you all have a wonderful
weekend with lots of
sunshine and warm temperatures.
I'll 'see' you soon...
...with photos!

Hi Maura,
Enjoy your weather and have a wonderful Easter with your family!
sounds like a plot for you to do maintenance in the yard, doesn't it? :)
Hi Maura: I'm glad you will be up and running soon. We miss you. We had beautiful sunshine yesterday, today not so much. Rain and even a little snow. Crazy..Hope you and your family have a Happy Easter..Judy
Good Morning Maura! The motherboard thing sounds all too familiar :) Have a Happy Easter!
something new to learn. that should be fun. good luck with that. change can be good. takes time. have a great easter. sure is weird here in virginia. suddenly we are having really chilly weather. just a few days ago it was in the 80s. so odd how things keep changing. hope the fruits & veggies stay warm. i wish your motherboard well. hope that is the thing to say when it is sick? ha. ha!! (:
I have been where you are with computer woes so I am sincerely empathetic. We don't realize our dependence on them until they are 'out, broken, fried, zilched' and we are out of commission.
Perfect time for outdoor clean up and photo taking of everything 'blossoms and blooms!"
Happy sunny days and springtime busting in bloom.
Not having my comfortable computer around usually means I will get more things done.
Get well soon wishes for your puter!! Crippling not to have it isn't it?
Enjoy the lovely weather and Happy Easter to you and yours!!
Thought I had it bad with zero internet connection this morning, for about 15 minutes.
Began thinking of the dark ages, reformation and what they would be like now.
Too much drama, on my part.
Love the pics in your header.
Off to the tax cpa this afternoon.
Garden & Be Well, XO Tara
Hi Miss Maura,
Boy, I'm missin' your pretty pictures. Hope your puter is as good as new when you pick it up.
Happy Ester.
Hugs ♥
I went biting and clawing into using a laptop..didn't want one...it was clumsy to type on it..on and on and on...That was last Fall. Let me just tell you- I would mud wrestle anyone that tries to take it away today...and now find it hard to use the regular computer.
You need that little thingy that plugs in the side of your laptop to get your pictures downloaded...or is it uploaded? See how computer savvy I have become now that I am using a laptop? xo Diana
I look forward to seeing all of your spring photos, Maura. Happy Easter (from my laptop to yours).
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