Three years ago I discovered
the wonderful land of
the wonderful land of
It was love at first visit.
It didn't take long for me to
figure out how things worked
and before I knew it I was
considering starting
a Blog of my own.
I didn't have a clue what I
was going to write about
but I did love taking pictures
and so I 'bit the bullet'
and jumped in.
I had no idea what to expect.
Nothing prepared me for the
excitement of seeing that
first comment.
Many of you have the quote
on your blogs...
it didn't take me long to
One of the wonderful things
Blogging has done for me
is to help me become
a better photographer.
Funny how your view
of the world around you
changes when you
see it through your
"Bloggers eyes".
all became much more
important to me.
And then of course I entered
the wonderful world of
Yes Blogging taught me
many things that I can use
in life outside "Blogland".
Most importantly though
Blogging opened
a whole new world of
creativity and kinship.
It's been wonderful
getting to know many of you
and seeing what your
life is like in your corner
Life however needs to be lived.
I have been struggling with this
for quite some time.
Since the beginning of the year
I have felt as though Blogging
has been taking over my life.
I'm not a multi-tasker.
I wish I was!
And so I have made
the decision to quit my Blog
and get on with life.
It was a tough decision
but I feel good about it...
I will miss your sweet comments.
I will miss seeing your new
posts in my sidebar every day
but I will be visiting you
and commenting
on your wonderful
when I can.
I will keep my
Lilac Lane Cottage
on Blogger for the time being.
I wish you all the best.
It's been fun.
Thank you everyone.
Some of you may have noticed that my pictures
lately are stamped with
Kisiwa Creek Photography
instead of Lilac Lane Cottage.
I just wanted you to know that I do not have another Blog.
I did start a practice Blog with this name and I even
made a stamp for my photo's if I actually went ahead with it.
I then proceeded to hit a wrong button and loose my
Lilac Lane Cottage Photoshop brushes and never
found the time to make more.
To add to my frustration once I made the practice Blog
everything I published on Lilac Lane Cottage and every comment
I have made on other's Blogs have shown up as
Maura @ Kisiwa Creek Photography.
I'm sorry for the confusion.
now if you see a comment
on your Blog from
Maura @ Kisiwa Creek Photography...
you'll know it's me :)

Darling Maura I will miss you, and your beautiful farm's photos!!
Please come back sometimes!
big sigh... but i understand. as i read the whole first part of your post, i was waiting for the other shoe to drop. sigh... :)
Maura, I have loved your blog since the very first visit. Such a peaceful, and fun place. I will miss your creativity, but I understand your determination to live "real" life. Best wishes always! We won't be disappointed if you ever decide to return!
Hi Maura, From one Irish lass to another, I totally understand and support the decision of what you need to do with your life. Will I miss you,you bet Cousin(at least I think we figured out we had family ties in the same area of Ireland). I will miss your beautiful photos and all that made this blog such a delight. Maybe after a break, be it long or short, you will be able to once again post.
Hugs today.
I have considered you a friend over the years
I am sorry you have come to this parting of the ways but I respect your thoughts
take care dear lady
come and visit me in Trelawnyd occassionally
I shall miss your beautiful farm so much
Maura, I sure will miss your pretty blog, but just know that a lot of us have been where you are at right now. Maybe take a blogcation for a while.
When I thought I wanted to end my blog, I decided I missed everyone so much that I kept it. Believe me we all understand.
Love and hugs to you.
I'll miss you...and your lilacs, too!!
Take care!
Oh my, Dear Maura.. please don't leave us for good! I totally understand - doesn't seem like a lot of time for real life as it is. Add in a blog, and well.. time is even shorter. I'm trying to jump back in. Again. I hope you will too again someday. In the meantime, please come visit! Be well.. and enjoy what life has to offer!! Hugs, Tammy
Dear Maura,
If you are at peace with your decision that is what is important. I'll miss my visits to Lilac Lane Cottage but life is to be lived and if blogging is interfering with that then you need to do what's best for you.
On the other hand, should you decide at a later date to post just now and again, I'll be pleased to return. That may be wishful thinking on my part.
Warm wishes to you,
I understand exactly what you mean, Maura. I may reach that point eventually myself. Best wishes!
Ooh, dear sweet Maura,
I am saddened to read we will no longer be sharing your bloggy world, with your enchanting cottage and lively farm :(
However, I DO understand that blogging puts an extra need on the 'to do list', and things have their priorities in daily life.
I hope you will continue to stop by and visit, I'll put the kettle on and we'll have a good natter :)
I will always consider our friendship, a very special one.
{Hugs} to you and yours sweet lady.
Will miss you a lot Maura!
You've been such an inspiration to me with your beautiful decorating and gorgeous outdoor pics.
And tonight I was drying dishes with one of the towels I won on your blogger give-away!
Just remember if you change your mind we will be here.
I have often wondered myself how long will I do this. I still don't know but as long as I enjoy it, I will keep a chugging away.
Hugs and best wishes,
I'll miss seeing your blog pop up on my blogroll but I totally understand. Actually, I've been thinking about it myself. When my son said to me, "Are you just taking that picture of me to put on your blog?" my heart was pierced! Blogs can follow life but your life should not follow a blog. It's too short. Too important. Many blessings on Lilac Lane Cottage and the sweet lady that lives there. {Hugs}
. . . the shoe dropped . . . I will miss you.
I understand your decision. Time to enjoy the animal antics, the Maura touches for just you, not the world. Enjoy your beautiful cottage, flowers, pets and love and some homemade ice cream too.
I am wising you the very best life . . . be well . . .
NO!!!!!!!!!!! (is heard throughout the lands) ... did you hear it? i'm seriously crying. i live for your lilac views. farms views. all your views. your photography rocks!! i know ... i understand. i totally get it. i totally get where you are coming from. i feel your heart. but i will so miss you. so miss you. what is totally odd ... there are so many blogs i do read that are quitting. so heartbreaking. but i guess i get it. did i mention i'm totally sad. i'll be thinking about you. big hugs. with a sad heart & me saying i wish you all the best & know you will enjoy your time away from the blog land. big, big hugs from me in Virginia! (:
I am sad to see you go . Blogger has given me a lot as well and I have been blogging for 2 and half years now , I am retired so for me its different as I have the time , I do understand what you mean but you will be missed . Take care and please stay intouch once in a while with us so we know all is ok !
I've had to limit my time online for the past couple of weeks, so I totally understand your decision... but I'm going to miss you. I just don't know how many other Canadian/Kansas connections I will find here on blogland. If you ever decide to come back, we'll be glad to see you.
Oh dear Maura...I hate to see you go. Just post once a month?? BUT I DO know that it gets kind of consuming. Once upon a time....people just LIVED without facebook and blogs and all that stuff.
I support you in all you choose to do...just know you will be missed.
Oh- I haven't been following you all that long but I will miss you and your wonderful photography skills. I know, it is a hard call, isn't it? I told my kids I might quit sometime soon and they asked....But what will you DO? I think I should have beat some brains into them when they were younger!;>)
God bless you- you have been a great blogging friend- xo Diana
Your blog is lovely and always enjoyable to read. You will be missed by so many.
I totally understand closing down shop as I wonder how long I can continue doing this also. I have cut back on my writing but still check in with all those in Blogland who I have gotten to know and care about. There are other things that are taking up time in my life so I must set priorities. I have also come to the point where thinking of new subjects to write about is taxing and therefore not as much fun as it use to be. I am sure that eventually most of us come to this point. Blogging is a great adventure that opens up the world to us, but our own small world needs attention also.
I wish you the best Maura; your life on the farm looks fulfilling and one which many of us would love to experience. Thank you for letting us take a peak into your world. It has been a pleasure visiting with you.
Hi Maura, I saw your title and I had to come to see what it was about. I will miss your blog, but I understand where you are coming from. If you decide to come back, we will probably all be here. I enjoyed your blog because of the memories it brought to me of growing up on the farm. I wish you well in whatever you decide to do with your time. Enjoy every day you get because life can be very short as we know it today. Take care and Hugs from Your Missouri Friend.
I hear you...before going private, I was getting 80-100 comments on every post, but that then required me to make that many visits gets to be too much! There is a real life out there and I want to live it! :)
Good luck, Maura, with whatever comes your way. It's been lovely to visit your blog.
Dear Maura, I will be sorry to see you go as I'm just learning so many new things here..I only barely have one year...but I do understand..I only devote as much time as I'm able to..It take along time to build a blog...I will miss reading your blog and seeing your lovely photos...may you be and stay well...with much love Janice
I shall miss my visits to your beautiful home, where I have always felt like a welcome guest.
Pop over to Hillside occasionally, I would love to "see you"!
love Kath x
You'll be missed, Maura.
i completely understand, Maura,but will miss your lovely photos!! Hope to see you occasionally at our farm, though!!
I admire you for making your decision and sticking to it! I, too, have realized that I spend too much time keeping up with my favorite blogs; I've started deleting some from my favorites and keeping those that I really really love, which is only a few now and I don't feel a bit sorry about it! I agree with you, we need to live our own life. Sometimes I feel my life is passing me by while I sit at my computer looking at someone else's life!
I will miss your beautiful picturs and your beautiful farm; but my hat is off to you. Go out and live and enjoy your life; there's so much more to it than blogging, God bless you!
You will be missed but I understand that life comes first. :o)
(Sigh)...Oh Maura is there anything we can do to make you change your mind? If so just say the word!
I've only got to know you over the last year or so, but I've always been thrilled to see you waiting in my blogroll because I know I'm in for a wonderful visit.
Every photo a treasure and beautifully blogged! You've inspired me so much and I remember such wonderful Christmas posts too....(sigh)...I'm going to miss you so much. :(
I can understand your decision but
hope you'll miss us all and decide to only have a blogcation. If I think that then it's not so bad.
Blessing to you and all the residents of Lilac Lane Cottage.
Oh Maura, Your blog has inspired me to get started and I thank you for that. I just love your blog and am sorry to see you stop. Best of everything to you, and I will miss you. Stop by once in a while to say hello!! Big hugs to you!
You will be missed.
Oh, my...
How about just blogging when the feeling moves you! No strings attached? I will miss you so very much! Please do not delete your beautiful place here!
xo, misha
Dear Maura,
Did you read my blog about lasy hazy days of summer.! I have taken time off. we all need some time to ourselves. I had so much to do around my little quinta ..walls, patios, and clearing, also catching up with myself and my family friends not on blogging.. we need that time to ourselves.
Please think about it.. I remember when i first visited your beautiful blog.. i was so in love with all your little animals . Shep, Hope, Pheobe, your little chicks and all the happenings at lilac lane cottage..
Maura.. i had the same thing with blogger happen to me 4 times.. just when i thought i had it going right i tried to do something and lost my way with blogger.
Just write a blog now and again. Dont let it take you over. We all learn that.
I enjoy reading about your life there o your farm..
Sending you big hugs from Portugal.
best wishes to you and your family and your lovely animals. val
Maura, I admire, respect and applaud your decision. Life is certainly to be lived, and taking most of our photos with the singular aim to post on our blog, and then sitting at our computers and spending oodles of time editing and perfecting our photos and then creating a blog post, welllllll, that's ultimately not really living! (Unless one truly enjoys what one is doing, then there is nothing wrong with that!)
At first all of us bloggers love what we are doing --after all, it's a new experience, and that is what life is about, right?! But then, after a few years, the new experience has worn thin, and we're ready to try something else new.
Isn't that one of the main purposes of living? To constantly be putting our hand to a new experience, a new adventure. We will always keep doing the things we find that we love, but some things will come and go, as we find they do not continue to fit into the lives we have envisioned for ourselves.
I like what Wendy said above..... Once upon a time, we lived LIFE. We didn't have Facebook, blogging, and all the other myriad internet distractions. The internet can be good, but if we are not careful, it can overtake our lives!!
You might decide to do what I'm doing, which is posting about once a month. I don't intentionally do that, it just seems to happen that way. :-)
(((hugs)))) and perhaps, hopefully, someday, we can meet for lunch or an adventurous afternoon road trip somewhere here in Kansas!
I so understand your decision . Sometimes there is not enough hours in the day to post, read and comment on all the blogs. Enjoy your life and have fun!
Maura, your blog has always been one of my favorites. Down to earth and right up my alley. I have always looked forward to reading about what's going on in your little corner of the world.
I'm sorry to see you go but I totally understand the need. For some, blogging is a way of life while others, like you and me, see it as an outlet, a way to be creative, to inspire and be inspired. But there's not always the time to do so, is there? As much as I love blogging, I find I can't give it as much time as I would like so I limit myself to once maybe twice a week. It seems to work well for me. For now.
Making this decision hasn't been an easy one I know but, apparently, it is the right one for you. I pray God's richest blessings for you and your family as you are now able to devote more time and energy to the things that you love most.
Don't be a stranger and stop in to say "hey" from time to time, won't you?
Oh Maura. You little rat, deserting a sinking ship. Just kidding, but you are why I got into blogging and now I'm so hooked that I can't get anything else done practically. And it didn't take me three years. Well, we all do what we have to and certainly life needs to be lived. I wish you all the best and do hope that you will drop by from time to time. I will miss you and I will keep plugging along as I do love it but as I said, I will miss you..Happy Summer and Beyond..Judy
Ahhh yes, I truly understand.
I quit Facebook two months ago, and the Blog may be next. For me, it is more time to focus on Him.
BTW, I linked to your Blog in one of my most recent posts.
Blessings to you as you "get on with life"...
I understand but will miss you nevertheless. You have inspired me with your lovely home and garden. Come back when you can!
Oh Maura, I will miss seeing how life is at Lilac Lane. Do enjoy your summer but always know we are waiting for you to have the time once again to come back to blogging. Kiss Olly, Lizzy & Henry for me. Have a wonderful time on that beautiful farm. Hugs, Deb
I so understand... I've been one lousy blogger for the past six months or so for the same reason.. It does take a LOT of time. I hope you enjoy your time and eventually are able to come back.
I just found you! But, I do understand. I've only been blogging for 6 months and it's already eating at my time each day. I wish you the best--and I'll just treat myself to your archives!
Blessings to you!
I'm sorry you're leaving, but have enjoyed visiting. Best of luck to you!
Oh Maura, how I wish things were different. I love your blog!
Sweet Maura...we started together...I remember when we both had 12 followers and were running neck to neck...I went on to Etsy and realized that the blog took a backseat...but my, didn’t it all change my life. I would never be doing what i am doing now if It weren’t for my blog...I haven’t been by yours for awhile now...for the same reason that you seem to be leaving yours...time to live and not be on the computer all day long. You will be missed...look at all your followers...look at all you’ve accomplished. I hope that you don’t forget me and I shall of course not forget you. I’m going to keep mine going, even if it means just one post a month... pop by when you can...much love, Cynthia @ Beatnheart
Lucky to have what you've given.
You make a difference.
Happy you are choosing joy for each day.
Dearest Maura!!
Garden & Be Well, XO Tara
Hello Maura,
missing you.. just sending you a big hug.
to all at Lilac Lane Cottage..
thank you for leaving your comments on my post.
take care
val xxx
Oh Maura I just have gotten to know you but I understand your decision Blogging does take over your life. In my world right now it is exactly what I need for a lot of reasons.
I will miss your beautiful photos and I do hope you enjoy what life has to offer. All the best. Hug. B
Sorry to see you go...blessings to you!
Your photos are so inspiring...I want to be a good photographer like you when I grow up :o)
I am sad to see you go too :o(
Many blessings
Julia (New Zealand)
Maura, I still stop in here. Your photos are beautiful, I just love the entire feeling of your blog. I come here, and just enjoy your music. I keep your blog open on my computer, listen to the music while I do my work, refer back to your photos for inspiration, peace and calm. Please at least leave your blog up! And the best would be that after a break of however long you need, you will return to us. It's been a hot summer, perhapse when fall sets in you will return refreshed. (hope-hope!). In the meantime, I will enjoy the little video of your kitty waking up from a nap, the inside shots of your home, your animals, and your lovely lilac lane. Thank you Maura for sharing your life and part of the world with all of us. God bless!
Dear Maura,
I do so understand. That's why I post so little. As the one blogger said we did just use to "live life" without all the social media. I felt as though we were just getting to know each other. Maybe someday when I take the trip across the U.S. like I have always wanted to do we could connect. You will be missed very much.
Blessings and hugs
OMG!! I don't know how I missed this one Maura.
I hope life is good and soon you will return.
All the best.
You know, Maura- I have been so busy this summer that I hardly know if I am coming or going. However, all of a sudden I thought...wait a minute-what happened to Lilac Lane I came looking for you! I am sorry to hear that you decided to quit blogging but I also understand your need to move forward with "real life". Blessings to you~ xo Diana
dear maura
i'm sad to see that you are going to stop blogging when i just got ot kno your blog.....i hope you will return to blog again sometimes in future....
yati, malausia
I was just going thru my following list and saw your name and thought man I haven't seen Maura is such a long time wonder what she's up to? then I saw the title of the post and went....not another one? I felt the same this Spring and had to vent about it in a post spur of the moment. I was feeling so overwhelmed with work and blogging was just getting ahead of me. I hope you will come back even to just post photos. You are such a great photographer it would be a shame to lose you completely.
I started instagraming and love it. Of course you have to have an iphone but it's easy and much less time consuming.
I wish you all the best!!!!
Dear Maura, I haven't been by in a long while for it's hard to post and visit all the lovely blogs...but I will for one miss your post..thank you for what you have shared in your time but I truly understand...much love Janice @
I'll miss your beautiful blog, too. I'm wishing you the very best! Sweet Southern hugs, Diane
Hello Maura I am just dropping by to say I truly hope life is good and you are enjoying it. Hugs. B
hello so sad for this decision..but i understand you..I also thought to close my blog to live my life to the fullest..
I need more time for me and my family..Now we have the project to sell our house and move us to an other country because in Italy the crisis is killing us..
Thank you too for your beautiful posts and photos. A big hug and more kisses, Chiara V. (Italy) ♥
Hi,Maura. I found your blog just in time to find out you are not continuing with it. What a sweet place to visit! I love lilacs and so your little place touches my heart. God bless you as you continue with your photography.
Lovely blog with such calming and beautyful photos! I come back soon!
One comment more for you my friend ;) LOVE your photos and your blog! And the cute kitten that is sleeping at the top. I adore him/her!
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