Last month I did a post about a trip my sister in law and I made to Missouri.
We were looking for just the right cupboard for her kitchen and we
found it in Ozark MO.
There's more than just antiques in Ozark...
Lambert's is known as the
Home Of The Throw'd Rolls.
I have to say that it's one of the busiest and best places
I have ever eaten and I have never been there
where I didn't have to wait in line.
This visit was no exception.
While we waited out front with the rest of the crowd
we saw
Isn't she a beauty!
This beauty is a 57 Chevy Cameo.
Somehow I don't think she'd like living on a dirt road in the country.
After we had our lunch in Ozark we headed to Springfield Mo.
to the biggest Antique Mall that Donna and I had
ever been to.
We were in Antique Heaven!
I wish I had a house large enough to hold all of these pine pieces.
Can you imagine that table in a big old farmhouse!
How about this wonderful butcher block!
More beautiful pine pieces. See the length of that table?!
Isn't this a different finish for a stove. I like that green mixing bowl too.
Donna and I both thought this cupboard was interesting.
It would work great in a kitchen or a bathroom
or where ever.
Loved the handle detail.
I always wanted a Hoosier cabinet
Love this coffee grinder.
How about the detail on this table leg!
By the time we were through the antique mall we were starving and beat
so we headed to McDonald's for a ....
....then we headed home.
We had a WONDERFUL time.
On the way we passed a few of these as we drove along the south edge of
Joplin Mo.
We decided to pull off the highway and see if we could see a bit of the damage
left by the tornado.
It was September 11th
approximately 3 1/2 months after the tornado hit.
I will post pictures later.
We are having a dust storm here on the looks like the 'dirty 30's'!
Please someone send rain!!!
I hope your weekend is a good one.
Maura :)

What a fun trip, you would have never gotten me out of the antique mall, booth after booth of awesome pieces.
Looks like you had plenty of good food to eat, the restaurant seemed huge.
We need rain too, back to watering the landscaping :(
Thank you for sharing your specail day with us !~
I hope you get some rain soon!
What a great antique mall - lucky you! I'd take that red coffee grinder any day.
Lamberts is one of those places everyone needs to go to once. and yes those rolls are darn good!
I love the antique mall,it has great treasures! i wish we had mall like this here; There is one close to my son in Paris, it is huge! see you soon Catherine
Hi Maura, we love Lamberts! It is a must-stop for us when we are in the area, unless we are pressed for time. As you said, there is always a crowd waiting to get in and sometimes the wait can be as much as 2 hours.
I'm wondering what antique store you went to in Springfield. Do you mind telling the name? Looks like they have some great stuff!
The photos are great, thanks for sharing a bit of your trip with us.
Have a good weekend!
I would have spent all day in that antique mall -looks like my kind of place for sure , Could see myself driving that gorgeous chevy too !!
have a great weekend x
Great post, I admire the writing style :) A little off topic here but what theme are you using? Looks pretty cool.
What a fun trip!!!
I ate at Lambert's years ago & it was WONDERFUL!
That antique mall was full of goodies, wasn't it??
Thanks for taking us along with you!
You were on the list of recipients for our rain. It has finally left us. Looks like your trip through MO was a great time!! Sure wish I had access to those big antiques malls there! Lovely stuff.
Have a great weekend, Maura!!
First things first.....Love your new header!
Your pics are great! You captureed your trip soooo perfect in pics, they make me feel like I was right there and how fun!
About Lambert's!!!! Our oldest daughter and her family plan their trips here to Indiana around eating at Lambert'! They love it and the funniest thing is our kids last name is Lambert!
Rain - if I could send you some I would. (o:
Happy Weekend. Maybe a rainy one?
Love that store -- we have a piece from there in our breakfast room!
And Lamberts -- the home of the thrower roll and so much food that you can't eat it all!!!!
Sounds like a lovely day.
Joplin IS sad -- but businesses that were blown away are coming back which IS good!
Sounds like you had a fun day!
i would have come home from that trip with the awesome cabinet and THAT TRUCK!!! wow. that would be so fun to drive around it. what a beauty.
Gotta love the red truck. Not something I am "in to" but what an eye catcher it is. Lambert's looks fun. What do they serve food wise? And your choice?
The antiques look tempting . . . but the house here is a "Little House . . . "
I enjoyed stopping by . . .
Several years ago, I went to the antique mall behind Lambert's and found an old school! There are alot of neat things in that shop and I plan to go back when we make our trip to Branson after Thanksgiving.
I didn't know about the antique mall in Springfield. Oh my goodness, I may have to make a weekend trip up there just for me! I'm in love with the pictures you posted. What's the name of this mall?
Just thought I'd mention (since a few have asked) that the name of the antique mall is Relics and it is located at 2015 W Battlefield Rd Springfield MO. There is also one in Republic it seems. Anyway...this place is HUGE and the prices seemed pretty reasonable. Take some water with you because it takes a LONG time to go through it if you look through each booth! I hope some of you can make the's well worth it. :)
Oh boy, my hubby would just love to get behind the wheel of that Chevy.
Thanks for taking us along on your antiquing (sp?) trip!!
That is a gorgeous Cameo Carrier. My old boss had one that was cream colored.
I laughed as I was scrolling down the pictures, and came to the one with the green stove & thought "I like to have that green mixing bowl!"...then read your comment beneath it! I guess you would have first dibs, since you're closer! LOL
We live in Missouri too and my son goes to school in springfield.
We love to go to their antique malls and just spent some time in Eureka Springs, AK. It was a great time.
Again, better and better each time I visit. Your blogging has become just fantastic...your pictures so fantastic. You have made your blog a destination. I have loved watching you grow and become so extraordinary! love little kitten video...!
Oh goodness, how I wish I could have gone with you. It looks like it was a wonderful trip.
The recipe for the pumpkin butter I linked up to. Just click on it and it will take you to the website with the recipe. Thanks for stopping for a visit Behind the Gate.
I would have brought home that white cabinet on my back ;-)
Looks like a fun place and a place where I would spend too much.
Thanks for dropping by. The kittens are a lot of fun and pure enjoyment for me. I'll be soon looking for homes for them.
It is a beautiful weekend here for a Thanksgiving celebration. Hope you soon have rain. Hugs, Deb=^..^=x4
I want to know what you had to eat at Lambert's? :-) That looked like a neat place. .... that big pine farm table -- I want it!! :-)
LOL for those of you who have asked what Donna and I had for lunch at Lambert's....we had the Fried Chicken and it was DELICIOUS. Usually I have the Chicken Fried Steak with the green beans and of course the mashed potatoes and gravy. OH yes...I had to have a small spoonful of macaroni and tomatoes (they come around with huge pots of this stuff and dish it out if you want some) and another little spoonful of fried potatoes and onions and BEST of all a 'throw'd roll'!! Oh goodness my mouth is watering just thinking about it. Anyway...even if you didn't eat just the experience is worth it. I mean...where else can you eat where you put your hands in the air and catch a wonderfully warm soft delicious roll? I hope if you are ever travelling near Ozark MO that you'll head over to Lambert's..I promise you won't regret it. Be prepared for a bit of a wait if you're there for supper though but it will be worth it. :)
What fun! I love all the photos, that looks like a fabulous place to shop. I have that green mixing bowl - in fact I have had two - one broke.
I would have shopped all day long.
hello sweet maura. What beautiful photos of your trip. It seems to me to be there with you, watching old furniture and country, beliefs and beautiful stoves. Please send me a milkshake with coffee? in Italy there are at Mc Café various flavors of milkshakes, fruit, coffee, chocolate. Who knows what you have original sandwiches in America than our in Italy! An affectionate hug, Kiki.
I just discovered your blog and enjoyed reading about your trip. I also have eaten at Lambert's--the first time I was a little startled by having a roll thrown at me, even though I had been warned! And boy, would I LOVE to have that beautiful red Chevy truck. Looking forward to following your blog!
The antique store in Springfield looks amazing! I am in love with those pine pieces!! The thought of the destruction in Joplin still makes me feel so sad. Wish there was more I could do from here. I think DH and I may have to take a trip down there some weekend, just so I can go to Lamberts! :-)
How fun! I'm ashamed to say, as a Missouri resident even.. I have never dined at Lamberts! But I want to.. does that count? Someday I will. Wonder if I've been to that antique mall.. looking a bit familiar to me. Thanks for sharing your trip - love that Chevy Cameo! That's something, coming from a verified Ford gal ;) -Tammy
Love the Hoosier cabinet. I have my grandma’s and wouldn’t take anything for it. Only problem, it is painted white. Would much rather have the original wood.
I’m joining your blog.
It looks like you had a very fun trip, Maura. I like the big harvest table, but it wouldn't fit in my little home!
I'm heading down Springfield way this weekend--looks like I'll have a lot of that old highway to look forward too...
what a fun trip. love that truck. now the hubby & i would love to travel around in one of those. what a beauty. (:
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