It was a good year with lots of changes around the farm.
Saw lots of snow...at least for us here in Kansas and a visit from a big fat racoon that took up residence in our barn.
We discovered live bees in the walls of our corncrib.
Olly and Lizzy came to live with us.
More snow and ice and trips to Amish country.
I replaced the doors under the kitchen sink with curtains.
We had a trip to Kansas City.
Put power out to the chicken coop and garden shed
The neighbors put cows in the fields around us.
Things were starting to grow.
We brought Spring the chick home with us.
It snowed the first day of spring.
The chicks arrived in the mail.
The friut trees were starting to bud.
We brought home Priscilla and Percy our little African goslings.
Breaking ground for the new vegetable garden.
The fruit trees were in full blossom.
We were in Lilac heaven...the scent was all around us!
We discover writing from 1934 in our old grain bin from a fellow who signed his name and mentioned that it was 108 in the shade that day.
New strawberry plants (75) are in the garden in planted.
Chicks move into their new home.
I put in the new rock boarder.
Lots of rain and storms.
Goslings are loving the 'pond'.
Planted the flower pots.
Fruit is looking good on the trees.
Find 3 puppies left on the side of the road.
Roses in full bloom.
Young chickens finally move to the 'big house'.
We sell the boat.
Road trip to the Gypsum Hills and Greensburg Kansas where a tornado destroyed over 90% of the town in 2009.
Got our first egg from young hen.
Flooding and a trip to Buhler.
We get our new Dixie Chopper.
Rains and flooding 4th of July weekend.
Discover fields of sunflowers near Hesston.
First of the garden produce.
I go on a photo shoot ...barns and Victorian house in town.
Barn catches fire but is saved.
Barn burns to ground 2 days later.
Our trip to Canada to see my kids and grandkids!
Yoder Heritage Days...Amish country.
Dig trenches for water line.
Kansas State Fair.
Flea Market find; Oak Dresser!
Shep finds possum in yard in the night.
Dust storm.
Another trip to Kansas City and pictures of old school house.
Pumpkins ready in the garden.
Blog about my office/craft room.
Enjoying fall.
New wood stove.
I win a give-away from my friend Susan at
Fall decorating inside and out.
Picket fence starts going up.
Flea Market finds me a bike!
Still picking beautiful tomatoes and drying herbs.
Canned some tomatoes.
I get photo's of Donna's garden.
Bee's and honey in corn crib.
Big building starts coming down.
New Lopi wood stove goes in.
Photo shoot of The Old Hardware Store
Trip to Amish country...spot a bald eagle.
Christmas Tree goes up.
Christmas decorating.
Cookie baking.
More decorating!
Trip to the Antique Mall
Saying GOOD BYE to 2010
I hope 2010 has been a good year for you.
What were the highlights of your year?
Maura :)