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Monday, October 25, 2010

Paintings That Touch Your Heart

The Girls Club

( You man click on the photo's to enlarge them )

Have you ever come across a painting that really
reached out and touched your heart?
The painting above did just that to me.

Ever since we finished  some of the renovations to our little farmhouse last year...I have been searching for
just the right art to put on the walls.

After moving here from a beautiful but huge
1902 Victorian home I had lots of pictures to hang but none of them
really seemed right for here in the country.
I found a painting in a little catalog that came
in the mail that reached out and touched my heart.
That is the painting above.
I looked up the artist to see if there
were more paintings.

Oh my...I was THRILLED with what I saw.
The artist is

Robert Duncan

Mr. Duncan lives with his wife Linda, their six
children and 'a lively assortment of farm animals in the
little town of Midway in northern Utah'.
He started painting at the age of 11!
He spent summers on his Grandparents ranch in
Wyoming where his Grandmother gave him is first
set of oil paints.
This is where he grew to love the country and the
open spaces and the rural lifestyle.

What I am showing you here is just a small sample
of his collection.

The Critic's Circle

A Grand Day

Piggy Back

Home For Dinner

Anniken And The Cows

Best Of Friends

Pumpkins For Sale

Fall In The Kingdom

A Wild Ride

Maggie And Her Mother


The Egg Basket

Mr Duncan also paints other genres besides farm life
such as Western scenes.

Wyoming Girl

When I decided to do a post on Mr Duncans paintings
I realized that it might be a good idea to ASK
for permission first so I wrote to his web site
and told him what I had in mind and
I sent him the link to my blog.
I actually never thought I'd get an answer
but 2 days later I recieved an email from
Mr Duncan himself!

He said he would be 'honored' to be featured
on my blog.
He also said " I want to do anything I can to
promote families returning to farms and just
helping people to cherish our rural landscape."

Well how about that!

I do hope you'll go to Mr Duncan's web site
and check out his beautiful paintings
and read about he and his family.
It's so nice to know a little
bit about the person
who paints
such beautiful paintings that
touch our hearts.

Thank you Mr Duncan.

I hope you all have a wonderful day.

Maura :)


Linda said...

Lovely paintings. Thanks for sharing.

Missouri Gal said...

Oh cool! Thank you for putting that link on there. I've seen a few of them but he has a lot I'd love to own myself! Have a great day Maura! :) Nicole

http://jackieinsurrey.blogspot.co.uk/ said...

Hello Maura

They are beautiful paintings, my kind of ones.

Thank you for telling me about this artist I will look him up on the net.

Jackie in Surrey UK.

hilary@oldhousetruelove said...

thes are special... thanks for the introduction maura.:)hope you are having a happy monday!

Flat Creek Farm said...

I love his paintings and have been a fan for a few years now. I have yet to own one. I may just have to do something about that soon :) Thanks, Maura, for posting this... and it's so wonderful you heard back from Mr. Duncan himself! -Tammy

Unknown said...

I know what you mean. These paintings, well I'd like them all!! I love them! Have a great day.

Catherine said...

I love these paintings, very nice Maura! thank you for sharing with us . Have a nice week, Catherine

Pondside said...

What lovely images - no wonder you wanted to feature them. It's wonderful to see a gift used to create such beauty.

Chris at Red Gate Farm said...

These paintings are just beautiful. Thanks for bring this artist to our attention. I started thinking the first one was my favorite, then the little girl with the cows, then the autumn scene, then the mother and child.... they are all so beautiful!

What a wonderful artist to let you share his talent with your blogger friends!


Verde Farm said...

Maura, I've seen some of his paintings but didn't know until now who the artist was. They leap off the canvas as the lighting effects are just amazing. I love the farm prints-they are so real and perfect. Love this post and will be going to his website next!
Cool he responde to you too.
Mini Me

*Susycottage* said...

Hello Maura,
wonder that these paintings,
represent life and the places
I want to live. Thanks
A hug Susy

bj said...

Oh, Maaura, I can surely see why you fell in love with this fine artist. I LOVE the paintings you have shown. I'll go visit his site.
hugs, bj

Blooming Rose Musings said...

These painting are absolutely beautiful! I have seen his work before but have never owned one. Each painting is fabulous and it would be difficult to pick a favorite. I always love cows in a picture! Thank you so much for bringing these lovely works of art to our attention and isn't it wonderful that he communicated with you directly. Lovely post!

Misty DawnS said...

Oh WOW! I'm so glad you did this post, and I'm so glad I just found your blog through City Girl Moves to Oz Land. His paintings are outstanding - what talent! LOVE these!
I also love the work by Bonnie Mohr. Have you ever seen her work? I purchased the entire collection of her collector's plates for my husband.

Sherry@The BarnQuiltStore Blog said...

Maura, I just love Mr. Duncan's art. It looks almost like photographs, his drawings are so detailed! Perfect for your country home! I also ♥ an artist named Kathleen Green. She draws Amish/country pictures & they are LOVELY!!! Thanks for sharing!

Tara Dillard said...

He paints light.

My client, Pecan Orchard, moved back to the land. Artwork in her home is local oils & pottery, so far. And she's developing relationships with the artists, their families.

Growing roots as she lives her new life. A joy to witness.

Thank you for posting Robert Duncan's work. I must meander to his site, needing something special in a certain size & place.

Garden & Be Well, XO Tara

Finding Pam said...

He is a very talented artist. Beautiful work and I like the family and farm life he depicts in his work.

Rural Rambler said...

Mr. Duncan's art is stunning! The wonderful things we learn from each other's blogs!! Thank you Maura :)

John Going Gently said...

The egg basket is probably my favourite

Mary said...

Oh, these are wonderful, Maura! So beautifully lit, and you are right -- they do "speak" to me, too. Thanks for the introduction to his work!

Anonymous said...

very beautiful paintings! kisses,kiki

Girl Tornado said...

I LOVE his paintings. Thanks for sharing with all of us Maura!! :-)

Scufty said...

These paintings are wonderful - they sure do touch the heart. What a talent! Thanks for sharing his art with us - I could see you doing this, too...I KNOW what you can do...Love you...Scufty

édis said...

Eu sou apaixonada pelas pinturas de Robert duncan,sou brasileira mas não sei porque paisagens rurais do seu pais me atraem muito e apesar de nunca ter estado ai sinto me familiarizada com tudo.E como se revivesse algo sei lá.O seu blog é uma graça.parabens!ah e voltarei sempre por aqui


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