It's been a while since I posted some
good photo's of the critters
here on the farm
so for those animal lovers out there...
here you go!
Above is Olly.
He follows me and loves to be
in the garden when I'm working.
He's always on the lookout for the
most comfortable spot to watch
the world go by.
Lizzy would have pushed him out
if she could but Olly
wasn't budging
from his nice warm sunny spot.
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Shep has to be close to the action. |
Chelsea is our little farm dog.
Her 'brother' Bubba our other Shih Tzu
is the 'house dog' but Chelsea
is definitely our
And she knows that's her title
because when ever well call her that
she wags her tail and looks
proud as punch. :)
Here's Hope enjoying her meal.
We expanded the chickens run
to behind the coop/garden shed
under the trees.
They are enjoying the soft dirt
and the shade.
This is Licorice.
She is a Barred Rock
and was bought as a chick along
with her 'sister' Gumball who
is no longer with us :(
Blogger is really acting up this morning
and trying to force me to have blue
type with underlining!
Anyway above is Buttercup who
was one of the chicks we
bought along with Licorice.
Buttercup is a Buff Orpington.
Above is Queen Latifa.
She is a Black Australorp and
has a 'sister' named Oprah.
We've had them since they were
fluffy chicks.
We have 20 hens including one
Rhode Island Red named
Chicken Little
and a rooster.
Lizzy has to check out the girls
'run' just in case there's
something good to eat
or something new to play with.
We'll have to watch her carefully
since we have two hens setting
on eggs and should have some
chicks by Monday.
They are in the 'brooder'
and are separate from the others
for now. They'll all be able
to see each other once the chicks are
old enough to go out into their 'run'
but they'll be separate from the others
until they are close to adult size.
Fluffy Butts...aren't they cute!
Queen L again.
This is Romeo.
He's a Black Australorp
and he is the nicest rooster...not an
aggressive bone in his body.
He takes good care of the girls
and they LOVE him ;)
Shep has the title of
He's smiling because I told him
how beautiful he was and that he was
Lastly here is a picture of Hope and Rosie
playing. I missed Hope rearing up
and bucking...too bad.
Well I hope you enjoyed seeing
some of our furry and feathered
friends here on the farm.
I hope you're enjoying a wonderful
sunny warm weekend.
Unfortunately we've got severe
weather warnings today
so the sun may not shine.
It's tornado season
in Tornado Alley...
don't think I'll ever get used to it!
It was fun seeing all your animals. I like the names you've given your chickens. Their fluffy butts are cute. Love the picture of Hope and Rosie playing.
I hope you don't have any bad weather. They are predicting that it can come up as far as Minnesota.
absolutely lovely, thanks for sharing your beautiful animals Maura.
Good morning Maura, I loved seeing all your critters-you do know I'm a real animal person but I'm finding as I get older I want to simplify more and just have dogs. I always wanted to name a dog Shep but never had one big enough to. Chelsea looks adorable!
Have a great day!
Hugs, Noreen
Oh I love the cats in the the radio flyer wagon! What a great shot.
Stay safe today.
Nice to see everyone again. You do have your hands full with all the critters. Oliver and Lizzy look great and I love the photos today. Beautiful tabbies. What a lovely colour Hope is. I guess you are riding her by now. We have yet to start building. Our contractor and builder is in Scotland for awhile and hopefully things should start moving along when he returns. We have been planting flowers on the property and cleaning up a bit. I'll post as soon as things get going. Have a great weekend, Maura. Deb
Great pictures of the critters.
Be safe. The storms are firing up sooner than they thought. The police are keeping a close eye on the skies right now.
i love all of your furry and feathered ones! every one is beautiful!
i do hope the storms are not as bad as they're saying...
Maura ~ love the pictures of all your furry fluffy animals. The chickens look very happy. Your kitties and doggies are precious. Love the horses. Ahhhh ~ to be on a farm ;-)
Loved the pictures of the critters!! As I was reading this, Maizie, an indoor cat, was watching over my shoulder! Guess that she enjoyed the post too!
Stay safe today!!
Hi, Maura
I enjoyed seeing all of the animals. If only I looked as grand from behind as the fluffy-butted girls!
Stay safe,
Hi Maura: You know me and my thoughts on "fowls". So you have to know how serious I am when I say, those are the most beautiful butts I think I've ever seen! What gorgeous roosters and ladies. That is so neat that the cats and dogs don't bother them or the horses. That's what is so wonderful about farm life. These "city guys and gals" would only see their next dinner I'm afraid!..Hope your weather doesn't get too bad..Happy Weekend..Judy
é un piacere seguire il tuo blog,osservare gli animali,la natura.
é il posto dove mi piacerebbe vivere.Un abbraccio e buona primavera!
Maura, Seeing these pictures make me long for the farm of my childhood and youth. I wish I had known then how special it was to have all the animals around me and live so close to the Earth.
Your animals are just gorgeous. Lovely. Of course I love the cats and horses but I ADORE those chicky butts! lol Thanks for the wonderful glimpse into your world. xxo Diana
Love your shots... your kitties look like my Gelly. I wonder what Oprah would think about her double! If you're into memes, I host one called 'Weekly Top Shot.' I especially like Queen 'L' but if you pick your fav shot and come over I'd love for you to share with me and my readers at http://www.theviewfromrighthere.com/blog/?p=7002
Dear Maura,
This is such a lovely post.
I am passionate as you might know about animals.
I have 5 dogs all small ... the eldest is half shi tsu.
I have 3 horses now..Lost Julia the eldest mare last month..
Your hens and roosters are so lovely..they all seem to get on so well together.
I hope that you dont get very bad weather.! will be thinking of you all.
best wishes
love your Irish music.
Maura, I too have been having issues with blogger. Somehow my blog roll disappeared and I am still on the search for everyone. I am so pleased to have found your lovely blog once again. Lovely photos, I so enjoy seeing all your furry and feathered friends. I am off to catch up with your blog posts. Greetings from Maine, Julie.
I hope you don't have any of that severe weather, but stay safe. It is suppose to be down here in Texas.
Don't you love it when your critters go where you go when you are working in the yard? We had chickens at our former home and have just started with them again as well as some ducks only a small bunch.
I adore chicken's fluffy butts. They are too cute. Your lucky to have such a nice rooster. I love our animals as much as you do.
Thanks for sharing this cute post of all of your critters. Loved tha cats, dogs and horses.
I enjoyed my wander around your place admiring all the critters Maura...thanks for sharing. I loved seeing them all. The photos are brilliant!
We have a lovely sunny morning here so I'll send some your way.
Hopefully that will keep the tornado's away.
Keep safe and enjoy your weekend. :D
Hugs ♥
So beautiful...everything...Hope all those T’s just pass you by...stay safe sweet Maura and family
Enjoyed looking at your furry friends. The pictures of the roosters are so good. I loved the black one with the feathers down his back side. The horses remind me of my sorrel Kimmy from long ago. Your dog is gorgeous. All animals have such personalities..
What a great group critters. Everyone looks happy. Romeo is a beautiful bird. Stay safe over there.
@ 3Beeze Homestead
Maura: Just me again. Just watched the news. I really don't know what part of Kansas you are in. Hope things are OK in your area..Judy
Hugs to all your animals. They are just perfect. You have such a lovely farm and home.
My prayers are with you as the bad weather may come.
What a beautiful home and furry family you have! You are truly blessed!
Hi Maura
It was nice to see your farm and house friends, such a big group you have.
I thought the fluffy butts were cute too, don't forget to show us the little chicks.
Oh my, I loved looking at all these animals of yours.
and HEY
wouldn't it be nice, well a goal of mine
for someone to call MY BUTT "fluffy"
ha ha ha
Simply love all your animals. I so wish I could have Roosters and hens and ducks...but here in the city we can not...so sad...thank you for sharing...with love Janice
You have got some beautiful animals around you thanks for sharing them with these lovely photos.:)
Hi Maura,
I so enjoyed seeing pictures of your furry, feathered and fluffy friends. Olly and Lizzy are adorble in their little red wagon.
Adorable...as always, so nice to stop by and visit. Love those fluffy backsides! -Mary
Oh Maura, I didn't realize you had such a great bunch of wonderful family members. I must say that thoroughly enjoyed the chickens. I never really thought much of chickens before because I've never been around them, but since I've been in this wonderful blogging community I've met so many great chickens! Now I think I really appreciate them. I've always been a dog and cat person and I think I'm in love with Shep! I love the picture of the cats with the wagon. Thanks for sharing all of this great pictures. I truly enjoyed them.
Love them all! :)
Beautiful images, Maura!
I miss having a rooster - I'd love one just like yours.
What a lovely farm you keep Maura.
All the animals look so happy and healthy, I think it's how you take time to care for them, and talk and show love, that they are well-mannered and gentle.
The horses have truly found the perfect home, they look awesome.
Isn't it strange that the cats, don't bother the chickens, I guess they're contnet with their lot ;)
Lovely post my friend.
Loved seeing everyone! Cats, dogs, horses, chickens, etc.. What a wonderful farm!! And yes, those chickens really do have fluffy butts! :-)
What a great collection of critters! Love those fluffy chicken butts! I'd have me a few if I didn't live in an apartment.
What a lovely spring you have there!!! Enjoyed seeing all the critters...they're all so VERY happy!!
There's nothing more enjoyable than having a plethora of animals to enjoy out on the farm. I think Buttercup is my favorite. I love her color. Fluffy butt and all ;)
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