Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Simon & Garfunkel In My Garden

Well ok maybe Simon and Garfunkel
aren't in my garden
parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme are!

I used a few sprigs of rosemary
to make some
Rosemary and Garlic Oil.

I love this on toasted Ciabatta buns.

I just put a few sprigs of rosemary
and 4 cloves of garlic 
into a cruet
and then fill with 
good extra virgin olive oil.

Put on the lid and store in the fridge.


This should be used up within a week.

Thyme flowering
I thought I would share a few photos
of some of the herbs I grow 
in the foundation of
an old grain bin. 

Culinary lavender


Sage in bloom






I filled in a few empty spots with 
some leftover
strawberry plants
and rhubarb which I didn't take a photo of.

Are You Goin To Scarborough Fair?
Parsley Sage Rosemary And Thyme.
Remember Me To The One Who Lives There,
She Once Was A True Love Of Mine.
Simon And Garfunkel Lyrics

Do you cook with herbs?
If so...what is your favorite dish?


  1. Awesome photos of your lovely Herb gardens. I dont always cook with herbs more with seasonings but not fresh from the garden out of a jar Club house that is . I dont really know why we dont use more Herbs . Your salad dressing sounds great never had that before . I know herbs are good for you just never got into them guess it is thyme to hehe ! Have a great day !

  2. Maura, i bet it smells really good around that bin. I am truly going to try and grow some rosemary. Smiles, Susie

  3. Oh-I want some of that! I love herbs..and seeing this post reminds me that I need to track down some rhubarb plants! YUM!!! xo Diana

  4. Your pictures look wonderful. The plants look so healthy!

    I don't cook with herbs as much as i would like to. I think my favorite would have to be basil. I love the smell!

  5. I have never been able to successfully grown herbs. I adore your new music. Have a great day.

  6. Gorgeous herbs . . . I can't believe your plants are that full grown already. Ours are miniscule in comparison . . .
    Lovely photos and post . . .

  7. I've always loved that song....guess that is an indication of our age eh.
    and YES, I love Herbs. they smell so good, and in the garden I love running my hands through them and then smelling them.

    I try to cook with fresh herbs every chance I get. It is like really "being in touch" with nature and what is real in life.

  8. your lovely home makes me so homesick...I am so gosh darn over city life Maura...but I do my that beautiful rose bush...reminded me of my grandma.

  9. ...a very beautiful post ~ thankyoU for the share ~ blessed be...

  10. Hi, I don't know how I got here but I want to make sure I come again so I've joined your followers!! I love all your herbs. they look gorgeous! I think that if I had herbs like you I would use them more for cooking. I did have a sage bush but my husband (helpfully.......I always dread it when he has a strimmer in his hands..and I wasn't there that time!) strimmed it and it was never the same!! the windy...often wet weather means that some things don't grow so well here...let alone the rabbits!! Joan

  11. I just planted mine yesterday. I love having these herbs in my garden and use them all the time in our meals. At the end of the growing season, I dry what I can and try to remember to use them also.

  12. Hi Maura
    I've always liked that song. :-)
    Your herb garden is plentiful and yes I like to cook with herbs and add them to salads.
    I grow a dwarf variety of dill and could easily eat basil every day with every meal.
    Happy Mother's Day.

  13. Your herbs look wonderful!!! I grow most of the basic ones in pots.. Sage, Basil, chives, oregano, marjoram, mint. I have not had good luck growing cilantro here. So I leave that to someone else. and I just realized I didn't put in any rosemary this year, and that needs to be fixed right away. I know what I'll be searching for tomorrow.
    I always leave my olive oil out on the counter. Does yours turn cloudy when you put it in the refrigerator?

  14. I can see that you love your herb garden too! I will try your infused oil recipe ~ sounds yummy! Have a very
    Happy Mother's Day.

    Susan and Bentley

  15. Hi Maura: You have a lovely herb garden, and I love how you worked S&G into the post. I only have one huge rosemary plant and use it quite often, but I will put some basil in and parsley. The rest I buy although I know it won't taste or smell as good. I do have mint too, it was here when we bought the Cottage and you couldn't get rid of it if you tried! How are the baby chicks doing? Hope you have a wonderful Mother's Day..Judy

  16. Yes, We love cooking with fresh herbs! Our season is just beginning here. We need the wind to die down so we can plant some dill!! Love this post and all those beautiful herbs! I would love it if you stopped over and shared some of them for Farm Fresh Friday! Have a great weekend!!

  17. Now I have that song in my head : )
    I just love, love, love herbs. Yours look wonderful. I like to use the dried herbs in our soaps, but for cooking, basil for pesto is our favorite. I like all the Thanksgiving herbs too, as I like to call them.

  18. It looks like you have found the perfect place for your herb garden. I love the thought of making your own dipping oil!

  19. So beautiful, Maura! Oh, how I love herbs grown in the garden...just about my favorite thing! I can never think of those herbs without hearing that tune in my head.....

    Wishing you a beautiful Mother's Day, my friend...


  20. maura
    I know nothing about
    Cilantro , what is it used for?

  21. I'll have to plant some annual herbs in a couple of weeks. The Victoria Day long weekend is such a traditional time for such things.

  22. That infused oil looks delicious! And your shots are a delight!

  23. Love fresh herbs!!!! Rosemary has to be my favorite.....we add it to skillet fried potatoes.....sooooo good!

  24. What a wonderful herb garden you have cultivated. I too grow herbs, I use them in cooking, either fresh or dried, and I enjoy making herbal vinegars. Very pretty photos, Happy Mother's Day. Hugs, Julie.

  25. Maura, your blog is a treat, glad I have discovered it. Your garden photos are so very lovely. Your cruet looks like something so fabulous that was purchased in a high end store. Have a great week.


  26. You have a lovely herb garden. I love Simon and Garfunkel. Takes me back to when I was a little girl. Simpler times. Have a great day, Maura!
    Nicole :)

  27. What a great idea to use the foundation of your old grain bin! We have two of them but they are kinda far from the house. :/
    I love toasted ciabatta weakness these days. I'll have to try the rosemary/garlic oil. Sounds delish!
    I'm impressed with your herb garden. I have always wanted one but don't use enough fresh herbs to warrant having one of my own. Lovely!


Thank you for stopping by! I really do appreciate your taking the time to leave a comment...I read each and every one of them. I hope your day is a good one and that you will come back again soon. Take care. Maura :)