Sunday, May 6, 2012

A Cottage Rose

 The old rose bush 
outside the dining room window
(at the back of the cottage)
is in full bloom.

I wish I knew it's name
and what kind of a rose it is.

I think it was planted
around the time the house was built
in the late 1940's. 

It is a HUGE old bush
that blooms once a year.

What it lacks in longevity...
it makes up for with profusion!

It doesn't seem to have much 
of a scent and the
colors range from red...a very 
dark pink
to a light fuchsia.

All this color on one rose bush!

When we moved to the farm 
nearly 3 years ago
it was very overgrown
and there was a lot of old dead

I gave it a good pruning
late that winter
and it must have been what it needed
as it has grown very well
with very little attention since then. 

If only everything else 
on the farm would grow so well!


Have a wonderful week! 


  1. gosh, that is beautiful! absolutely laden w/ blooms!

  2. Beautiful Rose bush . . . Amazing, isn't it what a good pruning can do. I pruned our rhododendrons this year and what a difference, many blooms for a change . . .

  3. Hello.....just came across your blog via some body else....I really like it and might I add ...the name too? We own a lil home across the street from us and we have been calling it "the cottage".....Well......there is a huge lilac bush and so....we thought we could call it "The Lilac Cottage"???:):)See....It would work!
    Glad I stopped....come visit me some time:)

  4. Oh my, how glorious it is. Sometimes a haircut is just what it takes to make us bloom.u

  5. So pretty. All of the different color variations are amazing.

    @ 3Beeze Homestead

  6. Oh, what a beautiful blog! My lilacs have yet to bloom this Spring due to our cool temps. As I enjoyed your lovely post..I was reminded that I need to be patient. Their sweet fragrance will soon fill my home!
    I am so pleased to discover Lilac Lane Cottage!

  7. That is absolutely beautiful!!! The color is WOWZA!! I wish I knew it's name. I visited the city rose garden this weekend and plan to do a post about that as soon as I get the photos sorted out.

  8. Hi Maura: That is so beautiful. I have seen roses similar and I remember my grandmother called one she had a rambler. I imagine that pertains to the way it grows but it is certainly fitting for the way it is winding onto your fence. Perfect pictures..Happy Monday..Judy

  9. What a divine rose creeper Maura,
    Its deep colours are tuly lovely..
    Yes, sometimes what they need is a good pruning..
    you have noticed, i have no clue as to names of roses or even some plants.
    I am really wishing i had a rose creeper like yours ..
    Let us know when you get the name of it..
    Happy Monday

  10. I wish I could tell you what the blooms name is Maura, but I can't. Maybe if you took a bloom to your local garden centre they would be able to identify it for you.
    I can imagine it's see many things in it's lifetime and has lots of stories to tell.
    Thank you for sharing ...its amazing and well done you for helping to bring it back to its former glory!

  11. Oh my goodness, is that ever stunning Maura! Thanks for sharing this gorgeous plant!

  12. oh, my ... it's gorgeous!! what beautiful flowers. i love the color. enjoy your week. (:

  13. That is like a rose bush that is here. I can tell that it is old, and has been pruned many times, probably trying to get rid of that bush! Problem I have is morning glory trying to take over the bush! The stuff grows quickly, the next day you look and it is covering the bush again, it is worse than kudzu!

  14. I have that identical rose bush in the front of my house. I'm still waiting for mine to bloom, though! Then it just grows long shoots that we have to keep trimming off all summer. Gorgeous pictures!

  15. Hello Maura,

    I found my way here through another blog...what a gorgeous rose bush. Your pictures of it are so lovely. I think some of the best plantings are those that have been around the longest. I love the way nature has them take shape over the years.


  16. That is a very pretty rose bush!!

  17. Such a beautiful old rose Maura !
    Looks like one that my MIL had outside her home, also built in the forties, same color of blooms, and were just as prolific...
    Yours looks so pretty against your yellow cottage !
    Have a wonderful week.

  18. How beautiful! That rose bush must have just been waiting for you to come and give it some love...and now it's paying you back by blooming, blooming, blooming:)

  19. Perhaps a David Austin? It appears similar to one I use to have. We, in Maine, have the dreaded Japanese Beetle. This beetle can devour a rose bush in no time at all. I gave up, the beetles won the battle, I dug all my rose bushes up. The color is simply amazing and has a wonderful old fashioned appearance. Thank you for sharing. Hugs, Julie.

  20. Hello Maura.
    What a beautiful rose bush.
    How lucky you are to have been able to save it and enjoy for years to come :)

    Thanks for sharing such beauty with us.

    Warm wishes....

  21. The school yard next to what was my grandparents home had an old red rose bush that smelled heavenly. The blooms were dark red--not single but not a lot of petals. I'm glad your rose came to life after its pruning. I always think it is worth saving old plants when one can.

  22. Beautiful roses and photo! Happy Monday :)

  23. Beautiful for sure.
    Roses don't do very well up here.
    I had several bushes though when I lived in Utah. Lots of "mini" rose bushes and they were so fun.

    It is certainly rewarding to see your hard work, 'pay off'

  24. As I told you previously, the rose bush is gorgeous.
    It will be very difficult to find its name for there is a lot of similar roses in this world.
    I can have a try at "helpmefindroses website". They have 44000 roses in their files. o:)

  25. Gorgeous, Maura! We have a yellow rose bush that blooms once a year as well -- it's a wild prairie rose -- we brought it to the farm about 7 years ago. :)

  26. I think the rose is call Seven Sisters. I have one too, it's red. It's an old rose blooms for about a week of true splendor and that's it's glory for the year. Your's is gorgeous.

    Lil Bit Brit

  27. Maura, are you sure it's not an old cemetery rose? Perhaps some one passed it along to the original owners or they brought it from another homestead.

    There is a renewed interest in growing old cemetery roses and rose restling in order to save these incredible species because of the hardiness of the plant and low maintenance. At any rate, it is lovely as can be.

  28. Beautiful! Is that an old clothesline frame that they are growing around?
    We have some wild roses growing down in the ditch by the road and it is amazing the number of blooms that they put out! I love roses and have several growing around the house but I don't know the names of them. Wish I did though. I love them!


Thank you for stopping by! I really do appreciate your taking the time to leave a comment...I read each and every one of them. I hope your day is a good one and that you will come back again soon. Take care. Maura :)