Monday, August 1, 2011

Thinking 'Cool'!

Wouldn't you like this in your back yard?

I'm trying to 'think cool' to make up 
for the temperatures outside.

It's 106 right now and will top out at 108
or so the weather man says.

Tomorrow is to reach 110...again. 

Our local weather station tells us that it will
stay in the triple digits for at least the next week.

This has been our weather pattern this summer
with little to no rain.

since there is NOTHING to take pictures of
outside other than struggling flowers and
yellow grass...
I thought I'd share with you a few pictures
of gardens I'm drooling over. 

Oh to have a garden like one of these!

What a beautiful spring display this 
would be above.
I ordered 50 daffodil bulbs today...
it's a start ;)

Wouldn't it be wonderful to sit in the 
shade under these trees and watch the 
fish and maybe if you have the nerve
dip your toes in the water.

Love this bridge!

Cool. Wet. Shade.

Love this little bench.

Wouldn't this be wonderful!

One day I'll get my water fountains up 
and running again. 
Since moving to the farm two years ago
we've been busy just cleaning up
the land and putting up picket
fences to protect the 
gardens from the

The 'destroyer' Shep

GOOD NEWS...hubby just mentioned
the other day that if all goes well...
he's going to start on the screened in 
porch off the back of the house this fall.
We may just build that 
this year.

Wish us luck!

I hope you are enjoying a beautiful summer 
where ever you call home.

Maura :)


  1. Dreamy gardens !
    Thats great about the screened porch. Papa here is going to design and build ours after we get our driveway done ! It has been as hot and humid here as it is there and its dreadful isnt it ! Stay cool and have a good day !

  2. aaahh the waterfalls helped cool me off!

  3. Love all the water and it does make me feel cooler! It has been hot here in the SE too! Keep cool if you can!

  4. Your photos are absolutely beautiful! I would love to be somewhere like that right water, shade, beautiful flowers. Here is S. Arkansas...we're roasting. My flowers are not doing well at all.
    Thanks for sharing the photos...very refreshing!

  5. I have just got through watching the weather forecast on the nightly news, it said 107 and up for Kansas, my first thought was "poor Maura" she'll be melting.....
    We are not too far behind, 99-101 tomorrow, I hate to think what our water bill is going to be.
    Love the pictures, so cool and inviting :)

  6. Oh, for gardens like those!

    We are much cooler here in PA. It only reached 94 in my town today. It's like springtime - in hell. We just got some needed storms that dumped some rain on us, but they did not last long. However, any rain is good. Maybe it will produce a blade of green grass. I have not seen that in a while.

  7. Beautiful pictures! Its cooler here in Mich its just in the low 90's. That screened porch sounds nice and your destroyer is a cutie!

  8. Lovely gardens indeed and I love the affect of water. That would be so fun to have a new porch with a swing bed! :D

  9. Lovely gardens and water - and oh so cool. The screened porch sounds delightful!

  10. How wonderful a screen porch would be, to sit and enjoy a glass of cold lemonade, pure heaven. It has been hot and dry here in Southern Maine however, nothing to the extreme which you are experiencing. Sending you a cool Southerly ocean breeze from Maine, Julie.

  11. Beautiful garden pics the daffs (almost as much as sunflowers) and Shep. I will keep my fingers crossed the screened porch comes off as planned and hope you get your swinging bed!
    Warmest hugs,

  12. Hi Maura - I think you've found the secret to staying cool in your hot summer weather!
    Happy BC Day to you!

  13. Beautiful pictures and oh what fun it would be to be in the middle of one of those lovely places on a very hot day like today! I'd be tempted to wade right into the water! Stay cool.

  14. Great pictures. I would love to be at any of those places right now. At 9:55 pm, it is 95 degrees outside. I have heard 110-112 tomorrow. Too stinkin hot!

  15. Beautiful gardens,love the water and bench and stepping stones..

  16. What extreme heat you guys are having. With those temperatures I can't imagine you have a lot of green lawn left. Love your inspiring gardens though. I would gladly take any one of them. Good luck on the screened in porch project.

  17. I just loved your blog that I found today. The music was especially wonderful. made me feel like I was in the garden you posted. It has been a hard summer. I am hoping for a cool and colorful fall. I am your newest follower. Please drop by my blog for a read and see what you think. Richard from, My Old Historic House. I could listen to this music all day, and I just might.

  18. When we get real hot, winter photos with snow do the trick for the cooling effect. :-)
    Triple digits, that is darn hot so I hope you can stay cool with, or without motivational photos.

  19. Lovely gardens, Maura! we have little heat here, but thunderstorms are soon arriving.It must be difficult to have such heat. We had once here and we bought an air conditioner, it was so hot.I remember we had to stay inside all day! no fun! Hope it will be cooler soon.Blessings Catherine

  20. love the pics... amd a screened porch will be perfect!

  21. Hi Maura,

    Try and keep cool! Those garden pictures are just dreamy. I don't know how anything can survive the heat in your area.


Thank you for stopping by! I really do appreciate your taking the time to leave a comment...I read each and every one of them. I hope your day is a good one and that you will come back again soon. Take care. Maura :)