Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Just Playing Around

It's been so hot (111'F in our area)
that I figured I'd spend my time 
trying to learn something new.

So here is my first real try at textures.

I'm joining
Kim Klassen
over at the 

I realize that I'm a 
tad late but the link is still up
 so what the heck!

If you haven't tried doing textures
with your photo's you should give it a try
it's a lot of fun.

I hope you'll head over to Kim's
and check it just
might become addicted!

Have a great day!

Maura :)


  1. That is very pretty...something I need to learn to do! :D

  2. Oh dear - I don't even know where to start. Good for you - very nice!

  3. Maura! That is so funny. That is what I did yesterday too AND I did a photo with a sunflower and our new kitty Izzy the Busy. I was going to post it today :) I think your first attempt is very pretty. Those sunflowers, what's not to love? I did Kim Klaussen too!

  4. That looks great ! Yup hot and humid here had a day or two of cooler weather and now we have rain that we need badly ! Have a great day !

  5. Maura.. I love that!!! when I have a few HOURS to mess around ( I'm a slow learner) I will surely go try that out. Gorgeous.
    Have a great day.

  6. Your sunflowers made me smile, I just photographed a house that colour in our town!

  7. That looks fun. I really like the textured overlay. Your sunflower is bearing the heat fabulously!

  8. Lovely and looks like fun.. I will put it on my list of things I should do.

  9. Yikes - that is hot!!! Love the effect on the sunflower photo - textures are such fun - and much better than being outdoors in 111*.

  10. yes it is HOT! I am not going out all day I have decided.....oh yes, I need to water my poor plants!

  11. Addicted is right...... I spend hours playing with textures!

    Love your sunflowers
    Miss Cherry Heart

  12. Maura, you are much more talented then I will ever be when it comes to doing anything with a photo on the computer. I some times even have to call for help from the boys when I can not figure something out! I am a slow learner when it comes to graphics and computers. This old dog is trying to learn new tricks, but it is slow going. :-) I love your sunflower, and I will hop on over to the other blog to find out what the textures is all about. sounds like fun. And it just might be something I can manage without calling for help from the younger generation here in the house. Phew, I hope you are staying cool inside inspite of that temp on the outside. It is hard to imagine a day so hot (only 70° today and raining again, what else!!). :-)

  13. Looks like your a pro! I love the photo, it would be beautiful all by itself but with the texture - - yummy yummy!

  14. Love what you have achieved here Maura! Sunflowers are a favourite of mine and they look so lovely against that vinage paper...I think it would make a great blog background!
    Warmest hugs,

  15. I love what you have achieved here Maura. Sunflowers are a favourite of mine and they look so beautiful against that vintage paper...I think it would make a great blog background.
    Warmest hugs,

  16. Lovely smiley flowers :)
    I've thought of you, when the national forecast shows how HOT Kansas is right now !
    It really makes one a hermit, and I've been staying inside until early evening on most days.
    We are surely looking for Fall already, this is just too much sun !!
    Have a wonderful weekend, doing what you love most.

  17. Beautiful Maura! Just be careful, textures are addictive!! ; )


  18. Hello Maura!
    it's a nice picture, i love the background. Have a nice weekend, Catherine

  19. I think I've died and gone to Heaven!!! I've been wanting to learn how to do more with my pictures. I didn't know about Kim Klassen until now...I just signed up for her tutorials and lessons!! Thank you so much for to find the time to be able to play and learn!! :)
    Great pic of the sunflowers!!! I'm creating a new blog...same floor plan just a different name...with sunflowers as a subtle them throughout.

  20. I love your sunflowers Maura. Job well done.

    Unfortunately I do not have PhotoShop.

    I am just learning GIMP so am looking for tutorials on doing textures with that program. I also have PSP Ultimate which I've been using for my photos.

    Happy Texturing ~ FlowerLady


Thank you for stopping by! I really do appreciate your taking the time to leave a comment...I read each and every one of them. I hope your day is a good one and that you will come back again soon. Take care. Maura :)