Saturday, April 7, 2012

Lovely Lilacs

Alas the lilacs have come and nearly gone.
(These photo's were taken March 29th)
There are still a few left
but most have faded and turned brown. 

The display was better than last year
and that's probably thanks
to the amount of rain we received
this spring compared to last year.

Still overall it wasn't as good a display
as we had in 2010.



The groves are old (1947) and 
the drought last year probably
took it's toll on the oldest plants
but they still looked and smelled

The fragrance filled the air and behind
this wall of lilacs about 20 feet to the left
is the front of the house.

When the windows were open the
scent was heavenly!

In the photo below if you look through
the trees from the house on the right
to the left of the photo...
you will see the grove in the above photo from the other side.

We're very fortunate that the prevailing
breeze (wind!) blows through
those blossoms towards the house :)

Not only are we fortunate enough to have that
grove of lilacs but we also have another
shorter but thicker grove that I see from 
our kitchen window. 

The two smaller windows below?
That's our kitchen.
And this grove is approx 30ftx20ft.
It's a wonderful sight to look out 
on while I cook.

It's always sad to see the lilacs fade 
away for another year...
but maybe in a way it's that short
season that makes them so endearing to us.


Our computer is back from the repair shop
and even though it seems a little slow
it's good to be on here again.


I'm joining Karen
over at 
My Little Home And Garden

Have a WONDERFUL weekend!


  1. Gorgeous lilac photos. Ours have not budded yet and I look forward to seeing and smelling them.

  2. i could almost smell their wonderful scent. :)

  3. Pretty rows of lilacs! Mine are just opening up-always exciting:@)

  4. Awesome photos, the scent has to intoxicating. Happy Spring!!!

  5. Nice to have you back, Maura. Those photos are absolutely beautiful. The one with your dog and the lilacs is just gorgeous. "Happy Easter" to you and your family. Hugs, Deb

  6. I love your lilacs and thinking of you looking at them plus enjoying the fragrance as the breeze blows through your windows. Up the road from us there is a long stretch of white and purple lilacs. I will catch a photo when they come into bloom.

    Happy spring days to you and yours . . .

  7. Those are so gorgeous, Maura. Ours will not bloom until late May here. They are my all time favorite for Spring. xo Diana

  8. Mine are just coming on in Ky. too. I was so hoping for tulips for Easter but they have already come and gone. Do have some rose just about open. Easter blessings to you.

  9. Happy Easter to you and yours Maura, I so love seeing your lilacs-they are so gorgeous. We don't get blooms until the summer. I would love to have as many as you do-oh the fragrance. Thanks so much for sharing.
    Hugs, Noreen

  10. Ours haven't bloomed yet, but lilacs are my all-time favorite flower.

    To me they smell like Spring :)


  11. So pretty, I can almost smell them!

  12. Your lilacs are lovely, Maura. I like the pictures of them along the lane. I have one little wimpy white lilac bush in my back yard. I wish I had a nice big purple one. The lilacs here are just beginning to have buds.
    Wishing you a Happy Easter.

  13. Hi Maura: It's so good to see your 'smiling face' again. What a beautiful site you have all around you. Your senses must have been on overload. Well, you couldn't post about them when they were abundant but you could take pictures and see them for yourself, so now thank you for sharing them with all of us. Thanks also to the computer God who got you back up and running. My lilacs are still pretty non-existant but will share them with you when they are ready..Hope you and your family have a blessed and joyous Easter Day..Judy

  14. Oh, your photos of Lilacs are GORGEOUS! How I would love to have a grove of Lilacs ~ they are my very favorite flower in the whole-wide-world!


  15. Incredibly beautiful images.
    Wishing you a happy Easter Sunday.
    Hugs Hanne Bente /

  16. yummy pretty photos. i wish we could smell the lilacs through the computer screen. that would be lovely. (:

  17. I am touched once again by your lovely lilacs.

    Have a joyous Easter day.


  18. Beautiful lilacs Maura! Glad you are back and have a wonderful country Sunday!

  19. I love lilacs and I can't grow them here. Soooo, I have to enjoy yours!!!! Thank you!

  20. How beautiful your lilacs are and how lucky to have a grove of them. My one little shrub has not bloomed yet. I can't wait!!!!

  21. Love your pix!! Happy Easter, I am glad to find your site...

  22. Hello, Maura
    I can just imagine the intoxicating scent of these lilacs. I'll forward to mine blooming later on this spring. It will be on a much smaller scale! :)

  23. Glad you have your computer back. It is amazing how much they become a part of our daily activities. Lilacs have been a favorite of mine since I was little girl. I have few new bushes planted around my house but not near as many as you have nor as huge. Love the pictures and I can imagine they are a heavenly scent.

    @ 3Beeze Homestead

  24. I am IN LOVE with the row of lilacs down your road. I can smell there sweet fragrance form here!!!!!

  25. I can just imagine the wonderful scent from that many lilacs. I have 2, just a measly 2 under my kitchen window and love it when they are in bloom - which should be in the next couple of weeks.
    On a small property, there's not a lot of room so I have to be selective.
    Happy Easter.

  26. Lilacs don't do well here.

    When the akebia blooms, I feel like a dear friend has returned. I imagine you feel the same with your lilacs.

    What color are you staining your picket fence?

    Happy Easter!

    Garden & Be Well, XO Tara

  27. The Lilac's came on fast this year and faded fast too. I can only imagine how gorgeous and the aroma of your beautiful lane.

  28. Your lilacs are gorgeous! The fragrance when they are in bloom must be intoxicating!

  29. They are so beautiful, and I agree...the scent is heavenly. Ours haven't bloomed's so chilly here today, I have a fire in the fireplace! Enjoy them...they're a spring treasure. -Mary

  30. Your lilacs are so pretty! What a blessing to have such a nice grove of them.
    I didn't smell my lilacs at first. The paint in the kitchen was so strong, but as more bloomed, they were more powerful and overpowered the paint! It was a wonderful year for my lilacs. They smelled so strong and so wonderful. I only have one bush, so I can imagine how wonderful your's were this year.
    You are right, they don't last long enough. But yes, that must be why they are so endearing. It seems so odd that they have already bloomed and are gone.They should just now be opening up.
    I am glad that your computer is fixed!!

  31. I featured this beautiful post in my Misc. Finds Monday:


  32. my absolutely favorite sign of spring. i love lilacs.

  33. Hi Maura,
    Your lilacs are breathtaking. We have some that have not bloomed as of yet...and I just planted three more this past Saturday. They are one of my favorites....with a fragrance I find intoxicating!!

    Have a wonderful Spring day,

  34. Goodness! You do have a bounty of lilacs, don't you? I can only imagine the heavenly fragrance that wafts through the air. Wouldn't you just love to bottle it up to savor throughout Spring?
    Absolutely lovely.

  35. So many lilacs! Glad to hear you had a better year than last year.

  36. I'm glad you've got your computer home safe and sound.
    Those lilacs - I wish the blog had a 'scratch and sniff' setting!


Thank you for stopping by! I really do appreciate your taking the time to leave a comment...I read each and every one of them. I hope your day is a good one and that you will come back again soon. Take care. Maura :)