Monday, April 23, 2012

Feathers Flowers Fur And Flutterbyes

Time flies when you're a don't 
stay little for long.

 Francis (on left) Chloe and Phoebe 
are growing like weeds
and in these photo's are 5 days old.

This is Francis above...
you can see her little wing
feathers coming in.
She has a white feather
near the bottom of her wing. 

This is Chloe.
She's my favorite. 

She will be more like her
adopted Mom in coloring
only with less gold 
and more black.


In the foreground is little Phoebe.
She sticks pretty close to her sister

The chicks daddy is Romeo who 
is watching from the other side
of the fence. 

He is such a nice rooster
and was a blue ribbon winner
at the county fair 
when he was a cockerel :)

Golda is a VERY good mamma.
She's super protective
and works hard to teach
them how to scratch and peck 
for food.

Above she is showing little
Francis a bug on the fence.

And here Golda has spotted 
Shep on the other side of 
the fence.

She doesn't miss a thing
and if he was silly enough to 
stick his nose up to the fence
he'd get a good peck
on the nose!


Now that I've bored you  with
'chick pics'
here are some flower photo's for you
to see. 

Above is the first bloom to open on
my David Austin Graham Thomas
climbing rose.

This is only it's second season
and I had to move it last fall
so the plant is just getting used 
to it's new location.

Hopefully by this fall 
it is climbing the fence. 

Above is a flower bed I planted last spring.
The drought was hard on it
and there was no rock border so 
the water tended to run off.

Last weekend Hubby and I hauled
these rocks over from the pile
and set them in place.

Most of them came from the
foundation of our old 
barn that we lost
in a fire nearly 2 yrs ago. 


Henry had to come over to see 
what I was doing. 

These are some of the smaller rocks 
and you are only seeing the top half 
of each of them.

They were HEAVY.


I finally found the perfect
place for the old  hand plow.


There was another reason 
that Henry came to 
see what I was doing.


He had been watching these 
on the Salvia.


They had his undivided attention.

Here's a couple on the

I hope you have enjoyed 
your visit here on the farm and
I hope you have a
wonderful week! 



  1. I Love the place you live, so very closed to what is truly natural and a simple way of living.
    You make it even more beautiful with all these blue salvia's flowers... =)

  2. Delightfully beautiful Maura . . . Loved Henry's eyes, watchful for the "flutter flies.". The stone border on the garden is wonderful. And the "peeps" are beyond precious.
    Delightful . . .

  3. All fun pics, made me smile:@)

  4. Oh your chick photos make me want chickens even more, if only my hubby felt the same! Were the garden photos of your garden now? I mean, in Norway our gardens are JUST starting to wake from their winter slumber! I´m wanting to replant one of my gardens and I think I´m going to add some salvia, loved that in your photos. Henry is gorgeous...we had a cat who looked like him once, his name was Uncle Tom. Love those tiger cats :-) Have a lovely day!

  5. What sweet little chicks and grand chickens.

    Your rock bordered garden looks wonderful and I know from experience that those rocks are heavy.

    Henry is having an interesting time in the garden, what cute pictures.

    Hope you have a great week too.


  6. Yes, it was a lovely visit, I did enjoy it!! Never bored with chick pics!! They are amazing to watch grow and change. Henry is a handsome cat! Looks like he enjoyed watching the flutterbyes!

  7. everything looks beautiful! i love your salvia and the old plow looks perfect there. i have one i need to move to a better location. have a great day.

  8. Such lovely pictures this morning, Maura. And I have to tell you....I love your rocks!! I might even have rock envy!!

    Have a wonderful day!!

  9. We could never get tired of your "chick pics, or of Henry or another of your fur family.

    Have a wonderful day.

    Hugs ♥

  10. Maura, I love the furry chicks. I posted a baby bird today myself. It is wonderful that you and your husband re-used those blocks. I think it looks great around the flowers. Pretty post. Smiles, Susie(She Junks)

  11. I enjoyed viewing all of your beautiful photographs. Pictures of hens and chicks from my point of view are never boring. Beautiful stone around the flower garden, also what a wonderful pic of Henry glancing up! Your gardens have far surpassed mine, spring blossoms are just beginning to pop! Have a lovely day, Julie.

  12. such a gorgeous look-around. the chicks and hens and rooster would have been adorable enough, then you showed us your flower beds and re-purposed barn rocks, then the gorgeous henry. ahhh...

  13. Oh yes! I very much enjoyed the visit. Great chick shots! You could never bore me Maura.

  14. Hi Maura :
    What sweet little chicks, their colors are just precious, and they ARE growing like little weeds !
    Are they for egg-laying ?

    Your Salvia is so beautiful, purple being one of my favorite colors in the garden. Love the rocks around the bed, it really sets it all off so nicely, and the old plow even more so...

    Sweet Henry, always an additional to the garden, he's got an inquisitive streak, just like Oliver.

    Have a wonderful week, dear bloggy friend !

  15. Your pictures make me long to be back on the farm I grew up on...with the chickens pecking in the side yard by the barn and the barn cats wandering in and out. Mother had a white fence to one side of the house and it was filed with beautiful roses. Such a beautiful life you have painted here today- xo Diana
    ps..I KNOW all the hard work it takes to enjoy that beautiful life.

  16. Nice pictures!

    We have a good hen named Golda also!

    Love your chicks :-)


  17. lovely photos, I love Golda, she is so pretty!

  18. Hi Maura
    Your blog is a joy to look at such lovely pictures. Thank you for letting me see them.

  19. I Love all the pictures of your place. I keep wondering if we should get some chickens??....but I don't think a chicken coop is near to being on my hubbies list of "things that need to get done" around here.
    I have a list a country mile long .
    Critters are fun.

  20. Your photos are wonderful and now I am convinced I need some chickens!

    How do they handle drought?

    I bet it is too hot where I live.

    Enjoyed visiting,

    White Spray Paint

  21. Hi Maura: The sweet little fluffs are growing by leaps and bounds. Those flutterbys are so pretty and the picture of Henry looking up at them is priceless..All so sweet is life on the farm..Happy Tuesday..Judy

  22. I was typing my comment, and it dissapeared.

    Here i go again.
    Maura, I love visiting Lilac lane cottage.
    Life looks happy and peaceful..the little chics have come on so well and look very happy.
    Your Salvia are beautiful and Henry certainly seems to enjoy being amongst them.. maybe after the butterflies.
    lovely yellow rambling rose. Roses take a little time to settle when moved, but they do come into their own again.
    thank you for such a lovely post.
    happy wednesday

  23. Hello Maura. I just looked at your pages, so pretty. It looks like an ideal farm, but I know it takes huge work to make a farm look so pretty. My sis sent my your link because I have chickens. 6 reds, Americans, and black pretty. They have scratched our flower beds and boarders clean. They are bigger than the dog. I'm a new blogger. It's nice to think someone will read my message. Merry reading. Mary

  24. You have an enchanting cottage. It is a pleasure to visit your blog.

  25. I love your home and your photos! I'm not in a rural enough area for chickens but I sure wish I was!

  26. The little chicks are so precious. It's so much fun to watch baby birds and animals grow up. Your place is so beautiful and peaceful. I am very aware of all the hard work that goes into making it that way. The salvia and the rocks are wonderful and I love the addition of the old plow. I adore the picture of Henry watching the flutterflies. Have a great weekend.

  27. What beautiful photos, Maura. You just know I love those of Henry the most. I hope he is getting along better with the other cats now. I would gladly send you some rain as we have had too much lately. We need sun now. Have a good weekend and I love your profile pic (you with the camera) Gorgeous!

  28. Maura, I thoroughly enjoyed this post -- and chicks are never boring. I could watch them all day. Do I need to get out more? Lol.

  29. you are so lucky to live in such a place like this.

    your lovely photos did brighten up my day.

    dropping by through a rural journal to say hi.

    i love your blog! it sure has a positive feel to it.
    great music taste, too.

  30. Everything is so green and lovely at your place now...just gorgeous! Have a wonderful weekend~

  31. I love your posts, Maura! It's always such a pleasure to visit Lilac Lane.

  32. Maura, I’ve missed you and your beautiful farm. Stopping into visit you today and love your post--what a beautiful place Lilac Lane is ---absolutely love your new blog layout and colors--so pretty :)
    Hugs to you my friend, xoxoxo

  33. I just saw the very same butterfly last night, it's only the first one we have had here.. so it's even more special.

    Love those beautifully hewn rocks, we are hauling rocks, but ours are coming from the ground. In the dirt.

    Jen @ Muddy Boot Dreams

  34. Oh I love how you incorporate those great items from the past in your garden.
    I love chickens and those chicks are very adorable not to mention your cat. B

  35. Chick pics are anything but boring! Lovely photos.


Thank you for stopping by! I really do appreciate your taking the time to leave a comment...I read each and every one of them. I hope your day is a good one and that you will come back again soon. Take care. Maura :)