Saturday, March 24, 2012

Fridays Fences

It rained pretty much all week
so I haven't been out taking photo's.
Our country road turns to slime when it rains
which means I don't go anywhere.

Unless Hubby drives.

These photo's are from last year
a few months after we put 
the garden in
and put grass seed down. 

The gardens and lawn wouldn't be
possible without the picket fence
as Shep our youngest and largest
dog would  destroy it all.

He has the rest of the farm
that he can rule!

We still have a gap over by the back
porch that is waiting for the building
of a large screened porch.
Wire fencing takes over from the pickets
and keeps a very sad Shep 
off the porch. 

It's the only way the 'wicker' furniture
would survive!

I'm joining in (a little late)
over at 

Life According To Jan And Jer


Friday's Fences


  1. Dear Maura,
    Such an edearing blog. Your music is soothing.
    Your home looks so welcoming.
    great fences.
    thank you
    happy saturday

  2. i do like your pretty picket fence (and red wagon planter!)

  3. What a beautiful garden and picket fence ! Awesome photos ! It has been beautiful here all week and today it is cold and raining much needed rain mind you ! Papa will be building a picket fence for me later thie spring ! Have a wonderful day !

  4. Hi Maura: I love how the sun shines on your fence and since I wasn't around last year am enjoying the 'new' photos. The mail box is great. Poor Shep! But, he will grow out of it!! Someday!!..Happy Weekend, Judy

  5. i love all the photos. my most favorite is the american flag in there behind with the hydrangea. so pretty!! a perfect spring afternoon. (:

  6. Oh my gosh, your blog loaded just fine for me today! It usually freezes up my computer. I Love the picket fence, we are getting ready to build one too. Your yard and home are just so lovely! (I am going private with my blog, if you care to follow, come and leave me your email) :D

  7. Hi Maura, Happy Spring to you! I love seeing your yard and fence as well as your plants. Have a wonderful weekend.
    Hugs, Noreen

  8. Maura you place is lovely and the photos are beautiful. I love the one with the hydrangeas, flag and picket fence in the background. Love the mailbox and wagon as planters too.

  9. Maura-- What a beautiful spot you have created there. One of my favorite photos is the one where the lace edged tablecloth is blowing a bit in the breeze- xo Diana

  10. Great pictures!!

    I hope you have been able to enjoy today!!

  11. Wow Maura, I thought Spring had really come early until I read the pic's were from last year.
    They're all such beautiful photos.
    I'd love to sit at that table and share a cup of tea :D

  12. Your Friday fences are country livin' lovely Maura! Good Sunday to you!

  13. I love your fence and yard. I know what you mean about the dog, I have the same problem here. We love 'em dearly, but they sure do make a mess of things. If I plant flowers they get dug up if I don't protect them. Have a nice Sunday.

  14. The improvements to the farm are amazing. So beautiful Maura. You make Ana amazing team to get this all together

  15. Everything looks so sweet and peaceful. Picket fences are one of my very favorite things although I don't have one of my own...maybe someday. I just love your homeplace and all that you are doing to it. Keep up the good (and hard) work!

  16. I think a picket fence holds a lot of charm. I do think that is a great think about living in the country, our dogs get to run all over the place.
    (just hopefully not digging up the flower beds as you said)

  17. lovely photos...that one tree looked like one of the trees in The Wizard Of Oz :)

  18. What a lovely garden! Enjoy the beautiful day, Kellie xx

  19. What a lovely garden! Enjoy the beautiful day, Kellie xx

  20. I love picket fences and your yard is so lovely. Beautiful for a picnic.

  21. Hello, Maura
    You yard is so pretty, with the happy tree, lovely fences, and the cute mailbox and wagon planters. I'll looking forward to this season's photos.

  22. Delightful garden and the picket fence makes it just right. Lovely photos.

  23. Everything looks so pretty and fresh. Hope you get your PC up and running soon!

  24. Gorgeous pictures of a great corner of the world


Thank you for stopping by! I really do appreciate your taking the time to leave a comment...I read each and every one of them. I hope your day is a good one and that you will come back again soon. Take care. Maura :)