Wednesday, October 19, 2011

The Dust Has Settled!

Well the dust has settled ... somewhat.

At least most of the flowers were
washed clean from the rain.

I still have to wash windows and do 
more cleaning before my sister 
arrives two weeks from today.

Can't wait!

To see my sister...not clean house ;)

My Blog 'construction' or re-construction
is still going on but I'm 
happy with how things are looking
so far.

Salvia and Lavender 

The plants seem to have survived the
dust storm none the worse for wear
and are looking much better 
now that our temperatures
have cooled.

I planted some Russian Sage, Big Twister Rush and Variegated Japanese Silver Grass to replace 
the two Graham Thomas roses, 
hydrangea and clematis
 I planted this spring.
I replanted
those elsewhere. 

It seems it was a bit too dry and hot for 
them in that spot so now they should
be a lot happier next summer.

I hope. 

The bees are enjoying the last of the flowers.

The old porch boards really show up this close!

Oh well they will eventually be replaced
with a new screened porch.

Hubby was going to do that this year but with
the record breaking heat that lasted up
until a few of weeks ago
that project will have to wait
until next year.

Just as well as we would have had to admire
it from inside the house because it was just
too hot to be outside! 

It's been a strange year weather-wise.

We went from a LONG COLD winter to a 
very short cold spring 
and jumped right into a record breaking long
HOT summer that just ended recently...
to an early freeze which is to happen

Makes me shudder just thinking
what our winter could be like!

Time to split more wood I think.

How has your weather been this year?


  1. wow...nice new look. how are you getting this template. looks like a website...awesome.. I weather is cloudy grey and English like which I love. Otherwise
    the usual same california weather meaning warm, cool, some rain but nothing too extreme. Yours sounds a little hard to handle. I’d probably be moaning about it
    all the time but you are a trooper. xx to you dear friend.

  2. I love Russian sage too. I've got a bunches of it planted on the south side of the house by the gate. The bees love it, so going in and out the side gate can be tricky during the thick of summer. Maybe that was not such a great place to put it?
    I turned the heat on last night. Didn't want to do that in October, but the inside temps had dropped too low even for me.

  3. Wonderful flowers and gardens.
    Our weather has been some what the same minus the dust, hot, dry warm spring, humid summer and now cold windy and rainy on and off a week ago it was like summer but with out the heat it was perfect fall weather but now not so much here in Canada ya never know what winter will bring. Have a wonderful day !

  4. We are now cold and leaves are falling from the trees. Rained just a bit this morning.

    Love the photos of your flowers and old wood.

  5. maura,
    your blog home is looking like it is going to a party... or maybe it is happy for your sister's arrival soon... regardless, it is simply lovely.

  6. We had one of those "Long Hot Summers" too. I think the final tally was something over 100 days of 100F temps! With hardly any rain at all. Everything was brown (still is, mostly.) The only good thing was I was glad I'm not much of a gardener. It would have broken my heart to plant a lot of wonderful plants only to watch them die and long, painful death from thirst.

  7. Maura....the blog looks great. I am in the process of doing the same....might even be using the same "helper"!! do you add the signature to each of your pictures??

  8. I adore splitting wood. New discovery when the Conservatory was built with a rescued wood stove.

    Over an inch of much needed rain in the past day. Yippppeeeee.

    XO T

  9. your plants look beautiful and love the blog look!

  10. I realty, really like your header . . . rich and vibrant , with a touch of mystery. Really nice!

  11. love the new blog look. enjoying those pretty pics. love all the purple. (:

  12. I like your new blog look and the pretty header. All of your flowers and plants looks great. The weather here in mid-Missouri has turned off cool and we've turned the furnace on! It was just a short time ago that we had the a/c on. I'm really loving the fall season, but dread winter!

  13. What a pretty header!
    I can't believe the work that the dust storm has caused you!

  14. maura
    have you ever sent these kind of photos to a country style magazine?

    I suggest you do... they would love them

  15. I have buds on some summer flowering perrennials and the ornimental alliums have sprouted to about 6 inches tall :-O

  16. Wonderful photos Maura. Glad the dust has gone. Was this the same dust storm that hit Texas? Someone was talking about the Texas one today.

  17. Lovely photos, my weather was off as well, we barely had a summer and my tomatoes barely had any for the lack of sun through the summer and now it's fall and they are just turning red when they should have been ready over a month ago..It was indeed strange for me..and now yesterday we are having small earthquakes which I hate..wishing you a grand day today..hugs ty for sharing.Janice

  18. Love the header! Your blog looks wonderful! Crazy weather here too, the winter that we thought would not end was followed by a week of spring and a summer that we thought would not end, finally did, and now we my be seeing our first frost. Again, Love the look of your blog!!

  19. Wow, wow, wow! Beautiful photos and a phenomenal blog! I'll be here often, love it.

  20. Very nice Autumn colors in your garden!

  21. Hi Maura,
    I'm just getting around to catching up with your posts. Yes, it has been a strange year for us, hasn't it? High 80s yesterday and today and then that cold front bringing the temps back down into the 50s and 60s. It's definitely been a roller coaster ride!
    Everything is looking nice your way. We are actually getting some beautiful colors around here. Very surprising with the drought. We are thankful we are able to enjoy a bit of God's beauty though.


Thank you for stopping by! I really do appreciate your taking the time to leave a comment...I read each and every one of them. I hope your day is a good one and that you will come back again soon. Take care. Maura :)