Friday, September 2, 2011

Color Me September



I have great expectations for this month.

Cooler days.


No more watering twice a day.

Or more!


Thinking of my
sweet blogging friend
who has been looking forward
to September days.

You know who you are M

Here are a few photo's 
taken around the farm that
I had fun playing with in 


September Poem
by Helen Hunt Jackson

The goldenrod is yellow,
The corn is turning brown,
The trees in apple orchards
With fruit are bending down;

The gentian's bluest fringes
Are curling in the sun;
In dusty pods the milkweed
It's hidden silk has spun;

The sedge's flaunt their harvest
In every meadow nook,
And asters by the brookside
Make asters in the brook;

From dewy lanes at morning
The grapes sweet odor rise,
At noon the roads are all aflutter
With yellow butterflies-

By all these lovely tokens
September days are here,
With summers best of weather
And autumns best of cheer.


Looking forward to cooler days
in the month of

Unfortunately we broke another 
record yesterday.

I'm beginning to sound like one! 

I'm linking up with
Farm Photo Friday

Wishing you cooler days
with lots of sunshine.

Have a wonderful Labor Day

Maura :)



  1. Hey Maura! Love what you did with the pics,the cat's yellow eyes are stunning! Have a fabulous weekend! Spring is here and I am having a ball gardening!

  2. Coooooool post, Maura, I love your September colors, almost as much as I love September!! Have a wonderful weekend!!

  3. Those are great photos!!! Your new look is wonderful, too. I really like it!
    I am so ready for Sunday and Monday and the days to follow. I guess we should embrace today and tomorrow and remember them fondly in Febuary when we are sick of Winter. But today, I just want to be able to breath once again. I am ready for the cool air to hit me when I walk out the door instead of being blasted by the heat. I am ready to be able to smell the cool crisp air once again.
    Just 2 more days, Maura, until we can turn off the air and open the windows at night!! Can you believe 79 during the day on Monday? I am not even sure my body will know what to think? LOL!
    Oh to be outside during the day once again without having to be concerned about "Glistening" too much! WooHoo!! Just hold back the snow as long as we can!

    Happy September to you!

    BTW, did you know that the big antique mall is openeing a second place on the opposite side of the city? Just what I needed. Another monster place to spend money!! I can't wait!!

  4. After a really hot summer (like this one), we are all hoping for a perfect September!!

    Lovely photos, as always!

  5. you've been playing on the computer art work havent you?x

  6. you are getting more and more talented in the passing days. all the very best sweet Maura...

  7. I do like the black and white photos- very atmospheric!

  8. Thank you for the little shout-out :)
    We have not left 95 in 2 months, but then I am glad it is not 115 like Kansas! No rain in two months and we will not be getting a third crop of hay :(
    BUT-Happiness comes in September!!!!! For cooler days are coming. I just know it!
    You and Keith have a wonderful weekend!
    xo, misha

  9. A very happy & safe Labor Day Weekend to you, sweet friend. May we all be blessed with cooler weather and rainy days.


  10. You've inspired me to load my Photoshop onto my new laptop & try again to figure out how to use it! The photos are awesome - have a lovely weekend. :D

  11. Love what you did to the pictures. I love the fall as well. My Sunflowers are just opening in the garden.

  12. Hello, Maura

    I really like the months of September and October, when it gets cooler and cozy wool sweaters come out of hiding. I won't wish away these nice warm days just yet, though.


  13. Beautiful post. Love the pictures. They are really great. We are looking for cooler days here, but I fear it will be a few more weeks. The evening are cooling off a little and we are able to be outside after the sun goes down

  14. I love September. I think of it as a month of acceptance. Summer is over, the plants will soom fade, the children are back in school, and there is less planning. I get ready to settle in and know there will be fewer things expected of me. It is a good time to reflect.

  15. You really do deserve a break Maura. You have been such a trooper all these months. I hope you can get some relief soon. The photos are awesome!

  16. Love the photos...what fun! And yes, it was 97 degrees here today...I am more than ready for fall, my favorite time of year! Looking forward to it, as you are, but we'd best enjoy the garden bounty while we can. There's such disappointment in store-bought tomatoes after the summer ones. -Mary

  17. I just found you, Maura! I love your pics!

  18. Hi Maura, thats pretty good how you made the pictures. This is my favorite time of the year coming, Fall! But then comes winter with the snow!

  19. I'm blowing as hard as I can, and the sea fog doesn't seem to want to be blown down your way. I thought some cool, damp fog would be a fair trade for some of those sun flowers.

  20. Autumn is my favorite time of year, Love the farm. the salt and pepper shakers made me think of Mama.


  21. I'd say you've been having lots of fun in photoshop. Love your 'pops' of colour!

    And I couldn't agree more, here's to a long good bye to humidity! : )


  22. Really, really,
    Lovely photos

    Almost leaves me wanting to reach out,
    grab one
    for a special place in my home.

    Did I say, really lovely?

  23. Love your pictures, especially the letter box. I like your poem too. I hope you'll have cooler weather, here we had a big thunderstorm agin in the north west part of France and dammages everywhere. Keep cool inside waiting for Autumn!
    hugs Catherine

  24. Hi, I just love your blog! Pictures are awesome and so down to earth! Just beautiful..

  25. Very lovely ;) I like how you are playing with the colors.

  26. Love your September colors pictures, so neat !
    I'm ready for some cooler weather, I know you are too, with the HOT summer this year.
    Hope you are having a wonderful weekend Maura,

  27. Oh you did have fun playing in photoshop! :-) I love your gourds.

  28. Maura,
    Your pictures are really beautiful. I especially love the old coffee pitcher filled with sunflowers...the contrast of yellow sunflowers against the gray. Love it!!!

  29. I love the new blog layout and your photos here are awesome! Great job with the coloring-it’s perfect :) I love fall but I so hate what comes after :(
    Hugs, MM

  30. I enjoyed your Color Me September post and am looking forward to the same things you are. So far, we've gotten our wish with cooler weather. Yay! Maybe Photo Shop needs to be on my Christmas list! What fun! I will have to show my husband the cat photo. He's the cat lover in our family.

  31. omg!!! I love your photo's...I can see why you had fun with them, they are awesome.

  32. Oh what a lovely twist to the black and white photos. Love it!!

  33. loving your photo fun : ) i dig the new blog look too... your header photo looks amazing. ahhh! september... by far my favorite month! happy days to you maura! : )


Thank you for stopping by! I really do appreciate your taking the time to leave a comment...I read each and every one of them. I hope your day is a good one and that you will come back again soon. Take care. Maura :)