Monday, May 9, 2011

An Answer, A Hint, And A Winner!

Renee Zellweger as Miss Potter

I haven't posted in a week!
I'm sorry....
this spring seems to be a very
busy one for us.

Between working on the new lawn 
and shade garden, vegetable
garden, strawberry bed, weeding
watering...building a picket fence...
we are tuckered out!

We now have another project on the go
but I'll leave that for a bit later. 


Many of you have commented
that you like the background 
music on my blog and wondered 
what it was.
Well I finally remembered
to get back to you on that.

It's actually the theme from
the movie
staring Renee Zellweger.

I'm sure most of you have already 
seen the movie and know that
 it is about 
Beatrix Potter
the author
Peter Rabbit 
and many
other wonderful
children's stories. 

If by chance you haven't seen 
the movie
please do! 
If you like a good love story,
old English cottages and gardens
AND the English countryside
then this movie is for you.

Here are a couple of photo's of
Hilltop Farm
which was owned by
Miss Potter
and is in the movie.

I'd love to have a little cottage
with vines growing all over it like this one.


We've been busy the last couple of days
...and we'll probably be at it
all week!

Can you guess what we're doing?

Here's a 

It figures...
now that we finally 
get some warmer temperatures
and need to work outside
the weather decides to
skip spring
 and go right into summer
with a temperature of 
98 F !

Needless to say
we are 
acclimatized :(


We have a 


The lucky winner of a
beautiful hand crafted
house # of their choice

Oh goodness please don't
look too close...
I grabbed my old gardening hat!

# 19

(don't you just love that name)

Congratulations Devon!! 

I will send them your information
and they will contact you.

I hope you'll send me a picture
once you receive your new sign.

Thank you to everyone who

Have a wonderful week.

Maura :)


  1. Congrats to the winner! What a lovely English cottage...I'd love to go England!!! Hope you have a wonderful week!

  2. Congratulations to Devon.

    That you for the wonderful information about Miss Potter, and the lovely photos.

    Have a wonderful week. You & hubby be careful working outdoors in that heat.

    I do believe summer has arrived here too - 90's all week. How long till fall? (o:


    Oh no, here comes trouble...

    Hi Miss Maura,

    Gee, I have missed you. Now you be careful working outside in that heat. I can't wait to see your lovely house when the painters are finished.

    Heaps of Hugs

  3. congratulations winner! now i must see the movie...have not done so...thank you for sharing. happy monday. -k.

  4. Darling Maura I love your home, Beatrix Potter and her paintings and cottage! Perhaps I'm too much romantic?!
    Have a great day

  5. Thank you all, thank you Maura! What a great way to start the week! I'm so excited to be your winner, I just recently started blogging and this is so special to me....(not to mention I LOVE the house numbers :)
    I'm glad to learn the story behind your music Maura, it was one of the first "details" I noticed about your blog and I find it so calm and peaceful. Really glad to hear the story behind it, Beatrice Potter and I go WAYYYY back!!! Wishing you a happy week, and thank you again for picking me as your winner!!~devon

  6. Congrats to the winner! And where have I been? Never heard of the aforementioned movie - sounds like a must-see. I'm a Renee Zellweger fan as well, so it's a definite (my fave RZ character was her role in Cold Mountain). Thanks for the tip! Have a great week, Maura!

  7. Miss Potter is one of my all time favorite movies. Can't wait to see your house once they are finished painting!

  8. FYI ...I guess I should let you in on a little secret....that's my HUBBY'S TATTOOED ARM (he was in the Navy!) and WE are the painters! Heck my hubby RARELY hires anyone to do anything...he's a true 'Jack Of All Trades' kind of guy. He's going in for knee surgery on Friday...can you believe it!

  9. We must have had Miss Potter on our minds, I just received a complete set of her Peter Rabbit series on DVD, for the kids of course ;)
    They grew up watching Peter Rabbit and Tom Kittens, and I confess to watching them still, even though they are now grown. The Miss Potter movie of her life was incredible,and such an inspiration.
    Congratulations to your sign winner.
    The house is going to look splendid !
    Don't you just love those military fellas :)

  10. Congrats to the winner!!
    And Maura I love Miss Potter..simply magical!!
    Oh my gosh, can you send a little heat our way please? :)
    Its actually getting quite nice here in Ontario!
    A picket fence? How romantic..will you post some photos? :)

    Deborah xoxo

  11. Oh how I love that movie. It's one of my favorites.

  12. Congratulations to Devon.

    Channel 12 says that Hutch is 101 degrees. We are 97. It seems unreal. Just last week it was too cold to work outside and now it is too hot to want to do much of anything.
    I hope you are staying inside and not out in the heat.


  13. (oops, lost my comment)

    Congrats to Devon.
    Channel 12 says that Hutch is 101. Unbelievable!Just last week it was too chilly to be outside for too long! I hope that you are not out working in this heat.

    I want Spring back. I wasn't finished with it yet!


  14. Congrats, Devon!!!!!!!!

    We are going to be in the high 90's also! Time for aircon :)

    I cannot wait to see what you have in store for us!
    Be careful in the new heat!!
    xo, misha

  15. I just loved that movie!! And I too would love to live in a house like hers. I think its in our blood! : ) Would you be my neighbour? : )


    Congrats Devon!!

  16. I really love Beatrix Potter's stories and illustrations. And I love what she did for conservation. I saw the movie a couple of years back, when it came out... the music really is beautiful.

  17. Hi you! I’ve been busy setting up my Etsy shop that I missed all the excitement over here. Dang. Your man sure works hard and so do you. Love all that’s going on at Lilac guys rock! come on by and look at my lil ole etsy shop. it’s alot of work and time but I’ve already had some what a shock! love ya soon. caw

  18. good luck with the painting Maura... i love thos signs! yay to the winner!

  19. I've just spent the most wonderful time catching up on your blog. You've been so busy in the yard. This music is beautiful - so peaceful and calming. Thanks! I'm just sorry you didn't include the pictures of the Beatrix Potter pictures you did for your little grandson. They were incredible! Since I finally got caught up, I need to comment on your past blogs! Your trip to Kansas was really neat to see the controlled burns - one pic looked like veins on the land. And the pictures you captured of the butterflies were wonderful. You've got quite the eye! I just love the little Fairy Garden you're doing. Where on earth did you find the little door and windows? How sweet is that?! Congratulations on your give-away prize. It looks like your blogger friend is very talented and sent items that I know you'll enjoy thoroughly. I really like the numbers that you've just given away as well. I'll have to visit the website. They'd be great on the house here and at the lake as well. I'll be watching for pictures of the house with its new paint job - as will all your followers - good luck getting it done with that crazy weather. As you know, we've been having some of our own! Floods are unreal but so far we're all safe which is a huge blessing. I'll be back sooner next time and want to thank you again for sharing so much with us all. It's a blessing and treasured time to enjoy with you. Love you and miss you .... Scufty

  20. congratulation to the winner!you two are very busy those days! i will wait to see the result of all this wor. good luck.

  21. O my I didn't even know that there was a new movie out...boy I'm late on everything these days..LOL..Helo I'm Janice a new blogger..I adore your blog it's a wonderful place to visit...I'm @ plz. come visit me some time..Have a wonderful day thanks for sharing..can't wait to see the movie. Love Janice

  22. I love Beautix Potter, so far behind with the world I hadn't realized there was a movie..I'm trying to watch it on now..thank you for sharing..your little cottage farm looks inviting. I always wished I had one..I'm a new blogger @ come visit me..I have joined you as well. Have a most wonderful Janice...Mz. Witherspoon


Thank you for stopping by! I really do appreciate your taking the time to leave a comment...I read each and every one of them. I hope your day is a good one and that you will come back again soon. Take care. Maura :)