Tuesday, August 3, 2010

We Could Use A Little Of This

We broke a record yesterday. It reached 108 degree's.

We could use a little of this right about now!

Come on along..you're welcome to join me
for a little


There now...feel cooler?
I hope you enjoyed this little trip around the farm.

Turn down the air conditioner and enjoy your day!

Maura :)

PS...Those of you who remember Andy Williams may like to scroll down a little further and watch the video of Andy and his brothers singing together. They were a good looking bunch of brothers!



  1. Noooo - we've only had a month of summer so far! Big sympathy for the hot weather down south, but up here we've not had anything at all like that. Our weekend was a typical coastal cool one, with sunshine but not a whole lot of warmth.

  2. Hi Miss Maura,

    WOW - SNOW. Oh boy, hot chocolate, sitting by the fireplace. Counting the days till Christmas. Thank you for the "trip". Brrrr, now we are cold. (Giggle)

    We see a white puppy dog in one of the pictures. (o:
    We love puppy dogs, and kitties, all animals.

    Prudence & Sissy

  3. I could go for a little snow right now! We will hit triple digits today too.

  4. Thanks, I needed that now! Just not looking forward to it coming down in real time.


  5. Oh my I do remember watching Andy each week! I really enjoyed the pictures but I'm hoping the snow stays away for a few more months!

  6. Bring on the winter! Here it doesn't mean snow. It means somewhat cooler weather.

  7. 108 degrees???
    Oh goodness, you have my sympathies and prayers for rain. YIKES!

    Have a wonderful week!

  8. Gorgeous pictures but I am nowhere near ready for snow yet!

  9. Beautiful pics! I think summer forgot about us this year, here in the Pacific Northwest. It's been cool and cloudy for weeks. I wouldn't mind some sunshine, but no heat wave, please.
    Stay cool, dear friend.♥
    PS: I love Andy Williams!

  10. It might be 108 where you are Maura, but it's cold and miserably overcast here in Melbourne. I love all the wonderful photos you have shared...that's where the snow looks at it's best and doesn't turn into sludge! LOL! Me...well I am looking forward to our spring, not too far to go now just another four weeks and I can come out of hiBEARnation!!
    Warmest Hugs,
    Sandi @ Bearly Sane

  11. Maura, thanks for the bit of cooler weather. We are having the same dreadful heat as you. I hope it cools down sometime in the next couple of weeks.

    Lovely photos and the Williams Brothers made it wonderful.

  12. One summer a few years ago when it was so hot here in North Carolina the local Christian radio station played Christmas music all day to make us feel cool. It was funny but it sort of worked!


Thank you for stopping by! I really do appreciate your taking the time to leave a comment...I read each and every one of them. I hope your day is a good one and that you will come back again soon. Take care. Maura :)