Thursday, July 1, 2010

Picnic Time!

It's that time of year again when thoughts of how to decorate
this years 4th Of July
picnic table comes to mind.

Last year at this time we had just moved to the farm
and we were deep into renvations
so everything was still in boxes.

So there was no pretty decorated table.

This year I still have things in boxes and so I will treat
myself to a trip to Hobby Lobby today to see what I can find to
grace the table.

In the past I never had a lot of '4th of July' items to decorate
a table with but this year
now that I have entered into the Blogging world
the creative juices are flowing again.

Thanks to the many wonderful Blogging friends I've met along the way
you have inspired me into action!

This morning I'm making my list
yes and checking it twice
and hopefully what I come up with is worthy of a
picture or two.

In the meantime I'm getting lots of ideas from the Internet

Do you do anything special for the 4th of July?

(photo's: Country Living Southern Living Ladies Home Journal and Internet)


  1. Hi Maura! my eyes are feeling much better but i still restv them! here we have the 14th of july and we have fireworks everywhere! but we don't have much decorations, little flags, blue, white and red lanterns...In fact we must create our own deco. See you soon catherine

  2. How inspiring! I love them all.. but that first pic reeled me right in. I need an old red pickup :) Happy 4th!

  3. Hi Maura,
    Such wonderful pictures! That pie looks yummy!

  4. Beautiful pics to be inspired by, Maura!
    I would love to be at your table on Sunday for the 4th!
    I have no doubt your home and yard will be beautiful for the festivities...but then you do not have to do much! It is always gorgeous :)

    xo, misha

  5. Maura, blogland has also opened up ideas and inspired me to celebrate more. Hobby "obby should have good sales already on their Independence Day decor! Hope you have a joyful, safe holiday!!!!

  6. I so enjoyed the pictures! I went to hobby lobby just the other day and got some wonderful dishes for my patio at 66% off!

    Good luck shopping and happy 4th of july!

  7. Hi Maura! Those images are so pretty. I hope you have a wonderful holiday weekend! Twyla

  8. i am envious of how you Americans are so flag waving!!!
    we noticed that when we went to new York soon after 9/11 the welcome we got and the reaction of the locals was amazing

    have a good one


Thank you for stopping by! I really do appreciate your taking the time to leave a comment...I read each and every one of them. I hope your day is a good one and that you will come back again soon. Take care. Maura :)