Friday, May 28, 2010

There Goes My Baby....

On September 31st 2007 Mr Fixit and I drove all the way to Lake Of The Ozarks to look at a boat that was for sale. The boat was even better than the pictures showed and the people were so nice that we felt we'd known them all our lives. We ended up staying all day just visiting with Jan and Dave and then finally we signed the papers and headed home to Kansas. 

Oh how we loved that boat and we took her out about every weekend and sometimes during the week. We would fly around the lake for a while then go drop anchor and throw out the floating mattress and chair and just relax and enjoy the water....sigh. It had a stereo and if we felt like it we'd listen to that or just the peace and quiet of the lake. It was a wonderful way to cool off on a hot day.

 We had life jackets for the little dogs and we'd put them in the water to cool was a good time.

Then we moved to the country and further from the lake and sadly we made the decision to put her up for sale. I put an ad on Craigslist at noon and about an hour later we had a fellow coming to see the boat from out of town. He bought it on the spot. was with a heavy heart that we watched our 'baby' pull away down our dirt road. 
We'll miss our times at the lake....but.....
My Dream Porch

....I guess I shouldn't feel too bad because now some of that money will go towards our new SCREENED PORCH!

Life goes on. 


  1. Life is all about change and that's good! We grow with each stage of our soaked up all the lake fun, now it's on to something else! Love the porch!

  2. Oh yes, I screened porch you'll be able to use and enjoy everyday! You were able to enjoy your boat and now it's on to other things!


  3. I think that you've made a good trade - you'll be cooling off on your porch with nice memories of fun on the lake.

  4. Fun times & more coming your way. Love (LOVE!) your inspiration photo for your screened porch!
    Have a great weekend,

  5. Sorry you're boat is saying bye-bye, but...
    just think of the fun and relaxing times you'll have on that porch!! Great pictures, and of course those memories will always stay with you :) -Tammy

  6. that boat looked like a blast!!! I love lakes and being from Wisconsin I’ve had my share of fun on them..My family never had a boat but friends did so I learned to waterski and stuff. They are fun...Be thankful you had the experience with it at least..maybe because you are so far away from the lake now you wouldn’t use it time for someone else to enjoy...your porch will be a daily pleasure...maybe there’ll be another boat in the future...think of all the gas you’ll save and with what is going on in the gulf now its best we start thinking about our you, Cynth

  7. so sad! what a lovely boat!!! but you are going to have a beautiful front porch, don't you? lucky you...hugs from catherine

  8. nice orphington chicks how old are they??????

  9. Sounds like you had a lot of enjoyable times with the boat....but a lovely!!!
    I am in love with porches....

    Happy weekend!

    Deborah \0/

  10. Sometimes its so difficult to say goodbey to your most treasured possesions...
    I know that so well!
    At least you will have a beautiful porch to enjoy and treasure for many years to come.
    And it will be a great investment too!


  11. What a lovely life you have! So glad to have found your blog.


  12. I am forever and totally in love with your farm...and Eeyore, Phoebe and all the chicks and doggies...
    You are, indeed, a blessed woman!
    xo bj

  13. Wow! It looks like you're living the dream... A real storybook life such as yours couldn't happen without dogs. So precious!


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