Friday, May 28, 2010

There Goes My Baby....

On September 31st 2007 Mr Fixit and I drove all the way to Lake Of The Ozarks to look at a boat that was for sale. The boat was even better than the pictures showed and the people were so nice that we felt we'd known them all our lives. We ended up staying all day just visiting with Jan and Dave and then finally we signed the papers and headed home to Kansas. 

Oh how we loved that boat and we took her out about every weekend and sometimes during the week. We would fly around the lake for a while then go drop anchor and throw out the floating mattress and chair and just relax and enjoy the water....sigh. It had a stereo and if we felt like it we'd listen to that or just the peace and quiet of the lake. It was a wonderful way to cool off on a hot day.

 We had life jackets for the little dogs and we'd put them in the water to cool was a good time.

Then we moved to the country and further from the lake and sadly we made the decision to put her up for sale. I put an ad on Craigslist at noon and about an hour later we had a fellow coming to see the boat from out of town. He bought it on the spot. was with a heavy heart that we watched our 'baby' pull away down our dirt road. 
We'll miss our times at the lake....but.....
My Dream Porch

....I guess I shouldn't feel too bad because now some of that money will go towards our new SCREENED PORCH!

Life goes on. 

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Moving Day

Buff Orpington and Black Australorp  Pullets

This past Sunday we moved the new chicks (pullets) over to the 'big chickens' coop. The resident chickens were NOT impressed. Neither were the geese. We kept everyone separate until it was bedtime for the 'old birds' which happens to be earlier than the younger chickens...doesn't that sound familiar?!

One of the Buff Orpington's checking out her new 'digs'

The 'Excotic' bird the hatchery threw in happens to be a cockrel

Some of the Black Australorp exploring the new place

Oooo Good stuff to eat!

Oh comes trouble!

Things went pretty well up to that point but then it was time to put the geese in for the night...they sleep in the coop too. The geese were NOT impressed with these intruders but once the lights went out everything settled down.

Percy was NOT impressed by his new room mates

Neither was Priscilla

 The pullets are feeling more at home and slowly starting to venture out to check out their new neighborhood. I think they're liking this new arrangement.
The geese are now residing in the barn and seem ok with that too.

Shep came to see what the commotion was all about

Looks like all is well on the farm is good.

What's happening around your place today?

I just want to say THANK YOU to MISHA at
From My Front Porch In The Mountains
I won her draw for tickets to see the Titanic Museum in Valley Forge Tennessee!
I'm so excited and so is my husband.
Looks like we'll be taking a trip to the mountains this October
I can't wait!

I hope you'll stop by Misha's if you aren't already a Follower and check out her wonderful
Blog in the mountains of Tennessee. Check out her beautiful Arabian horses and most especially her little sweetie little Miss Annie.
You'll Love love it.

Enjoy your day!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Our Dining Room

The dining room seen from the kitchen
(You can enlarge the photo's by clicking on them)

I've shown bits and pieces of our dining room while taking pictures of other things in the house but thought I'd show you a bit more of it. This room was a real mess when we moved in. It took us 3 months to do just the living room dining room and 3 bedrooms. We had to patch the ceiling in the dining room before we could paint it and then we installed crown molding. We replaced the wobbly ceiling fan. The fireplace tiles had to be removed as they weren't covering enough of the wall and floor and there were no spare tiles. Mr Fixit recessed the tiles into the wood floor and we used the pecan floor boards to patch the hole in the living room floor later. We installed new tiles on the floor and walls and tore off the old window  and door trim and replaced it to match what was in other rooms. We then painted the walls Castle Stone and then sanded all the floors throughout the house and applied Waterlox. Four coats of it! This took an extra week because of drying time but it was well worth it. We didn't stain the floors...this is the natural color of the pecan wood.

Mr Fixit took the wood stove out (which was dang heavy!) and cleaned it inside and out and sealed it up then painted it with stove paint and re-installed it. One day we'd like to get a more efficient one but for now this one is fine.

Here you can see a bit more of the old woodstove

As seen from the living room

It's still a room in progress as is the rest of the house. I'm thinking of adding a 'skirt'
around the bottom of the white 'dresser' to hide my cookbooks and other things.
Any idea's on that?

I have more dishes than we need but the set on the white 'dresser' was given to us by our former neighbors from when we lived in the city.
It's Haviland china.

I love my Blue Willow

I LOVE the 'cottage' look with all the white and lots of 'things' around but this is a farm cottage and we do live on a dirt road surrounded by crops of corn, wheat etc so having to dust all those 'things' may get old pretty quick. However...I'm willing to give it a try to get the look I want. (Looks like I'm a sucker for punishment in here!)

I'm thinking of painting this huge 'dresser' but I haven't got my nerve up yet. I really like the color but I don't like the backer board so even if I chicken out on painting the whole thing I'd like to at least replace that with REAL beadboard.

So....I'm throwing it out there and would LOVE to hear your ideas for this room.
Don't be shy...go ahead and say what you think and give me your ideas.
I'm looking forward to hearing from you!

Have a wonderful Tuesday.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Nursery Day

Last week we headed to a little town about 20 miles from us that has a cute nursery. I needed to pick up one more Annabelle (?) Hydrangea for the front of the house and a few other flowers to pot up for some color since we don't have any flower gardens yet. This place which is called Stone Creek Nursery has a nice display of some of their flowers I thought I'd take a few pictures to share with you.


I hope you have a wonderful week! 

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Sunshine Finally!

Yes finally the sun is shining...we almost forgot what it looked like with all the rain and storms we've had over the past couple of weeks. I don't know about you but too many cloudy days makes me tired and slightly depressed. I NEED that bright yellow ball in the sky! The garden is full of weeds and the lawn would make a great pasture so I have my work cut out for me this weekend...but who cares as long as I'm outside.
I managed to get a few flowers potted up and took some photo's around the farm.
Don't you just love the sun! 

This is one of the rose bushes that grows here on the farm
I have no idea what kind it is but it smells beautiful.

It was HUGE when we moved in last year but it was in bad shape
 so I cut it right down in late winter.

I'm not sure what this is but I'm thinking a Mock Orange?
It smells wonderful too.

You can see the 'new' chicks that I posted about at the end of March.
They're getting big.

The old wheel barrow has seen better days.

I'm still struggling with the house colors
but as soon as I make a decission
I'll post it!

I hope you're weather is nice this weekend too and that you get to enjoy the great outdoors.
Have fun!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

For The Love Of Potting Sheds

Now this is a sweet potting shed

Before I start this post  this morning I would just like to take this oportunity to say WELCOME to all the nice people who find my blog interesting enough to follow and to all those who just stop by for a little visit.
Thank you for making my day!

Wouldn't you like to spend some time here?

Potting Sheds...everyone has their own idea of what a potting shed should be.
Some visualize a small wooden structure snuggled into a corner of the back yard next to the garden.
Some picture a quaint little stone cottge type of structure hidden by rambling roses or lucious green ivy.
Still others dream of a combination potting shed/artist studio/craft room filled with light and plenty of shelves for storage and counter space for working.
We all need a place to keep our gardening/yardwork tools and I hope if you have such a place
that you have fun with matter what size or shape it is.

I could sure use all this counterspace

What are the threads that tie these visions and ideas together? Charm. Functionality.

Oh My...look at these beautiful stone walls!
Wouldn't it be wonderful to have all that counterspace with natural light and look at all those clay pots! LOVE those beams too.

A potting shed doesn't have to be large to be functional
or tiny to be charming.

Even old chicken coops can be used as a potting shed

How cute is this little potting shed!
I think I'd spend most of the day here.

My potting shed/coop/woman cave

One day I'll show you the inside
I have a potting shed. It's not tiny but I think it's charming.
It was an old chicken coop and one end is still being used by chickens
but the larger end is my potting/storage/woman cave.
I have big plans for this shed in the future but for now I'm just grateful to have a place on this farm that's

Do you have a potting shed or a space for just you?

Photo's Meadowview Farm Home and Garden Cabana Village Internet