Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Mother Goose

It was a beautiful weekend with sunshine and warm weather...the kind of days you want to be outside enjoying the fresh air. The goslings are getting so big that I thought I'd take them outside for a bit just to see what they'd do. Our vegetable garden was just tilled up but I hadn't planted anything yet and it is fence in so I thought that would be a great place to let them loose so no dogs or chickens or cats could get to them. Well...it was just about the cutest thing I've ever seen in my life. I put them down and as I started to walk away...they followed me every where I went...calling out to each other and me as we walked all over the garden. The ground was a bit uneven plus they are a little wobbly on their legs so they stumbled and bumbled around but managed to keep up and seemed VERY happy to see the big wide world. 

We went over to a little grassy area and I sat down and they 'talked' to me the whole time as they watched the chickens and the cats and dogs on the other side of the fence. Of course everyone was curious about these little peeping fluff balls too!

We had conversations about staying inside the fence and watching out for hawks
and chasing bugs.

We sat out there for quite a while before I figured it was time for them to have a drink and a nap...so we headed back to the gate...all 3 of us. Hubby thought it was great so ran off to get the camera....he said he only took 5 pictures...there were 42 in all!!!

Presley or Percy? Which one do you like?


I'm so glad we have these pictures to remember these sweet little goslings...one day I'm sure it will be difficult to believe they were ever this small. It's times like these that make us so happy that we finally achieved our dream of living on a farm in the country. Life is good!


  1. Awww!!! I have the biggest smile on my face right now! They are absolutely precious. My favorite thing about blogging is that it creates a virtual scrapbook of sorts. We enjoy looking back at old posts and seeing how everyone has grown. Oh, and I definitely want to put my vote in for 'Percy'! Love those cuties. It was all we could do to talk the kiddos out of goslings on the last trip we made to Tractor Supply. Our pups and the stray kitties would get 'em here. Have a great day! :) Melissa

  2. Awww, I LOVE it! Good post, much enjoyed.

  3. This is the most precious thing I've ever seen. So glad your hubs got the camera...these photos are priceless...

  4. Oh how precious! What wonderful photos! Thanks so much - I needed this today :) :) :) -Tammy

  5. Too, too sweet!
    You know, Maura, I have those same shoes!!!

  6. It doesn't get any cuter than that! Love the photos, they're such darlings. : )


  7. They are both so cute . I tremember i did that with hens, they were following me everywhere.Each time i see your pictures i would like hens and geese, here there is a big rural market where you can buy farm animals ...IT's on wednesdays! hugs catherine

  8. That is so sweet. I am just in love with them. You will treasure these photos. Aren't God's creations wonderful. Have a great evening. Deb

  9. Hi Maura, Oh boy aren't they just something...and you look so happy and content...lucky, lovely you...you deserve it and more....cynthia

  10. Love your new 'Lilac Lane' photo!!! : ) Melissa

  11. I just plopped into your blog from another blog. The story and photos about the little ducks was so cute. Thanks for sharing it. Valerie

  12. I just love goslings! The funny thing about geese is that they will always stumble over things. Even when they grow up. If is isn't eye level, it doesn't exist to a goose and they will trip over it--rocks, sticks, feed pans, goat kids...


Thank you for stopping by! I really do appreciate your taking the time to leave a comment...I read each and every one of them. I hope your day is a good one and that you will come back again soon. Take care. Maura :)