Monday, July 2, 2012

Summer Reading

I hope you are all enjoying
the summer!

I'm enjoying my "Blogging Break"
and getting things caught up 
around the farm
inside and out and I'm even 
getting time to do some reading.

Here's a book I just finished that I thought
some of you might enjoy...
it's called 
Heart To Heart / Hand In Paw

This is a wonderful true story 
about an animal loving woman in her 40's
(Peggy's mother)
who moves to the woods of Vermont with her husband to build a log home and 
live off the land.

My kind of story!

However things don't always go
as planned and life isn't always easy.
 Peggy made me laugh and cry.
Through it all you come away with 
a deeper sense of how animals
are more than just our pets.

I thoroughly enjoyed this book
and it made me appreciate
how fortunate we are here
in our cozy little farmhouse
in the country.

is also the author of
Dieting With My Dog.
 If you're looking for some
good summer reading I hope 
you'll consider this one.

Have a wonderful week!


  1. That looks like a good recommendation. The cover alone is a reason that I make pick it up.

  2. That sounds like a great read, Maura. I am glad you are enjoying some time off and get a chance to read.

    I just read a great book- Lifeboat by Charlotte Rogan- excellent read- xo Diana

  3. Maura, this is my kind of read! thank you for sharing it with us. I am heading to the library tomorrow and do hope they have it. I am lost without a good book to read. Hope you are enjoying these warm first days of summer. Hope all is well at your beautiful farm. Happy Fourth! Greetings from Maine, Julie.

  4. Thanks for the tip, Maura. I hope you're keeping cool in your part of the world.

  5. That sounds like an awesome book to read, sounds like the kind of thing that I would enjoy! Will have to read it! Thanks for sharing!!!
    Glad for you, and envious that you are getting lots done, I seem to stay behind in the summer!

  6. Thanks for the mention of this book. It sounds really good.

    Enjoy your summer and have a great 4th.


  7. Hello Maura, found your wonderful blog, love it. Really enjoy the pictures of the animals,great photos. You have a very sweet home,so comforting, I will surely visit often. Happy July 4th,Blessings Francine.

  8. Hi Maura...
    so glad that you are enjoying your break :)

    Sounds like a book that I should check out! I do love a good, heart-felt read!!

    I adore your header too... such charming pictures.

    Smiles :)

  9. Hi Maura, Happy 4th to you! I'm always on the search for good books, especially ones that include dogs. I will have to look for these. Thank you for sharing!
    Hugs, Noreen

  10. I love good reads about animals.

  11. I always go to your blog to brighten my day and you never fail. Thanks for the mention of the book, I will read it! Have a wonderful 4th.

  12. Sounds like a good one. Nice to see you even if you're on a break.

  13. Hello, I was rummaging through links on Goose Hill Farm, and “Snooks” profile picture caught my eye. Your blog is listed as one of the sites “Snooks” has joined. I love cottage life – so I just had to pop over and take a look at your blog. Very nice.


  14. I am just dropping by my dear blogging friends to take a peek and also wrote a quick post. I have taken time out. Summer around the quinta is a busy time for me.
    I am going to try to buy the book..
    I cannot tell you how my 4 dogs have changed my life. I went through a very bad patch some 14 years ago.. and when i got my first little bitch..she lit up my whole life. Now i have her son, and grandsons.. I love them and they love me in return.
    This is a nice post Maura. I can imagine you all busy and enjoying the sunshine around your lovely farm.
    Enjoy the rest of summer.. we will be meeting again.
    best wishes to you and your family

  15. Hi Maura. I hope you check your blog from time to time, but I must have missed this one when you wrote it. My daughter and I are always recommending books to each other and, especially dog stories, so will tell her and get this one myself. Now let's get down to the fun stuff. I so hope you are still enjoying your time off and accomplishing things around the farm. Just want to say hi and hope everything is well in your part of the world..Happy Wednesday..Judy


Thank you for stopping by! I really do appreciate your taking the time to leave a comment...I read each and every one of them. I hope your day is a good one and that you will come back again soon. Take care. Maura :)