Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Early Morning

It was a beautiful sunny morning
so I grabbed my camera
and snapped a few


Starting on the back porch.

I'm still patiently waiting
for the screened porch
to be built.

It will happen one day...
too many other things
need tending too
before the porch reaches
the top of the priority list.

Now on around the corner
to the Annabelle hydrangeas
along the front of the house.

They're struggling where they are
but I'll keep working on them
and hopefully one day they'll
be happy there. 

The wagon is near the arbor
and front gate. 

We have to do a bit of work 
in that area yet but it will
get done when the porch 
and new sidewalk go in.

One day 


Now we're over to the veggie
garden. I've been waiting
for free mulch for a couple
of months but I got an email
this morning that they have some
...now they just need to let me
know where it is!! 

One day I hope to have most 
of the garden area covered with mulch
to help keep the grass and 
weeds out.

Right beside the veggie garden
 is the chicken coop/garden shed.

My favorite building
here on the farm.

It's a neat old building.

Now we're over to the little 
orchard. We have two pear trees
an apple a cherry and two 
plums. We had two peach
tree's and another cherry 
but they died. All the 
fruit trees are old.
I don't know what I was doing
when I took this top photo...
I sure wasn't thinking of focusing!


This is the other pear tree above,
it's a different kind of pear.
These get a brownish
skin on them. 

We've never been able to enjoy
our fruit trees 
because the trees were let
to grow too tall over the years
(not by us)
and just when the fruit is
ripening...the birds come!

They seem to know when 
we're not home because we've
never seen them do it
but we know it's them
because before the fruit is ripe
they'll come in flocks as if to 
test how ripe the fruit is.

Then I think they send out scouts
to see when we leave the farm
for the day.

Then they fly in for the 'kill'.

I'm sure of it.

More shots of the coop/garden shed
along with one of our other 
old buildings.

Finally we're back to the porch
and the Trumpet Vine
that you just can't kill.

This old vine was growing up a
dead tree right in that spot
when we moved here 3
years ago.

We cut the tree down
(it had termites)
and dug up the vine....or
so we thought.

Now it grows up 
the eagle weather vane
and is taking over the 
old porch.

I don't really mind...
I may just let it grow along the
new porch...one day.

I hope your week is a good one
so far.


  1. I was just about to shut down the laptop and hit the road for Manning Park (conference) when I saw your post come up. I'm so glad! The music, the peaceful morning photos have put the roadside hotel out of my mind, and I'll drive east with thoughts of trumpet vine and flowers, chicken coop and lovely morning scenes.
    Thank you!

  2. I had a lovely visit, you have a nice piece of land...Your house looks adorable. I would love to see more of it...I wish I had a bit of property... I'm grateful though for the little space I have...wishing you a most lovely day..with love Janice...

  3. i love trumpet vine. mine looks so puny in comparison...

    and i LOVE that garden shed. it makes for the loveliest of photos!

  4. What a beautiful tour of your gardens. So much to see right now and so many dreams of the future. Beautiful post.

  5. Enjoyed the lovely tour, your place is so wonderful!! Hoping that you get your screen porch soon! You will enjoy it! I understand, there is always much to do!

  6. I adore you chicken coup. I wish mine had such a fine home to live in.

    Great shots of your hydrangeas.

  7. Love mornings like this. How beautiful.
    The trumpet vine is pretty much invincible. Mister and I say that if we didn't mow for a few weeks, the yard would be lost in trumpet vine!

  8. Love the morning, so full of promise of the day. Your Annabelle Hydrangea is gorgeous!

  9. Hi Maura,
    I just love the trumpet vine. I have been wanting one for ages, now seeing yours I must buy one. I didnt know their name.
    Your photos of around and about your lovely farm are so lovely. Your flowers growing and your porch looking so nice.
    Maura. keep all your old food tins.. any kind.. then dig them deep next to each hydreangea.. they will grow better and even maybe bigger. We had giant ones in South Africa.. An old trick my mother taught me.
    Your old barn shed is so appealing.
    Happy gardening days in the summer sunshine.
    nice post

  10. Maura,
    I should be heading downstairs to tend to the laundry, but a walk around the farm seemed to take priority. You have so much variety, flowers, fruit and vegetables.

  11. Your porch looks very comfy! I love your yard and raised flower beds. The nighbor's flowers are nice as well but I think yours looks mush more warm and inviting. Have a great day, Maura!

  12. Oh I so enjoyed my garden tour Maura, I too do not have a Trumpet Vine, but after seeing your's I do think I need to invest in one. I have spend the better part of the day planting, weeding and replanting, there is nothing finer in my opinion than time spend in one's garden. Have a lovely day, Julie.

  13. Maura, your place is beautiful. It is quite evident that you put lots of time and love into all that you do....your farm shows that love! Beautiful morning you had there. Rain here for us! Sunny days ahead. Have a wonderful rest of your week!


  14. what a lovely place you have.

  15. What a wonderful little stroll through your property that was.
    I love that OLD building.....what do you have inside it??
    Your place looks very cozy and inviting....we still have sooooo much work to do on our place.
    At our age, me 60 and hubby 64, I feel like we are getting to late of a start on this new place to really enjoy ALL THE GROWTH and development that takes years to happen.
    So we'll have to live to be 100
    But.......actually, we are sorta kinda planning on not staying there anyway. Who knows.

  16. Hello Maura
    I think you have a lovely place and I enjoyed the tour around it. We always see the flaws whereas others don't.
    Sneaky birds coming in to get the fruit first, we tend to underestimate their intelligence. :-)
    Have a good week.

  17. Hi Maura, Your post brings back memories of growing up on the farm. The animals, gardens, putting up hay, and the enjoyment of just sitting outside under the shade tree in the fresh air. Most of the time we lived on a country lane, where we didn't have a lot of traffic. I can remember going to town in the wagon pulled by a team of horses. The roads were more mud back then. Thank you for your post and the previous one. I enjoyed both. Have a great day. Hugs from your Missouri Friend.

  18. Maura- What gorgeous pictures. I just LOVE that old barn/outbuilding. It is wonderful. Your gardens are beautiful. Hmmm... I NEED a vine..one that I can't kill. That one sure looks healthy-even if you did try to kill it- A great day there- xo Diana

  19. Hi Maura: Took one last look and I'm glad I did as I saw your post that I would have missed as we are leaving tomorrow for grandson's high school graduation and when I get back I'll be so far behind. Beautiful morning pictures on the farm. We had a trumpet vine at our other house and we called it the 'killer'vine, because we couldn't kill it. But after all that we still talk about getting another some day..Enjoy your beautiful day..Judy

  20. Maura you are living the dream! this has got to be every country lovers ideal home.

  21. I love visits with you . . . Your chicken coop/garden shed is the best . . . little knicks and crannies look from the outside makes me wonder about the inside. Like, do you have water there, a potting table to work at filling your various pots with your pretty flowers? Storage . . . Like I said . .
    I like visits on your Lane . . .

  22. I love your chicken house. Your back porch makes me want to be right there having a cup of coffee and visiting with you. I can't believe how big your zucinni is already. Mine is still languishing in the cold. Everything looks so lush and green. I hope you have a great day. How are the baby chicks doing? I have a hen sitting on six fertile eggs right now and can hardly wait.

  23. Maura, I just love how your "rebuilding" an old homestead. Y'all are doing a most beautiful job. This may sound a little weird, but your hydrangeas may be struggling for iron. I remember my grandmothers weren't doing so hot one year, so she placed some iron nails in a pantyhose, dug what at the time seemed like a pretty deep hole near the root, put in the pantyhose, watered really well, & then covered the hole. After that she never had anymore troubles with them. I'm not sure, but the iron may change the color, since a hydrangeas color is determined by certain nutrients in the ground (but you already knew that).

  24. What a great tour Maura! You have such a beautiful place and you have made it into such a charming place as well!
    I love all the pics, very nice!

  25. It's so lovely and calming just looking at your blog . I'm sure the music adds to the ambience
    I love the kitten just waking up

  26. Everything is so beautiful! Thanks for the tour.

  27. Maura, your photos are so beautiful and inspiring.


  28. What a wonderful tour! I'm your newest follower!

  29. I came here from Kay's Flowers, what a great old farm place you have! I have never seen a more wonderful chicken coop. I actually like the old trumpet vine growing up the porch. We have one that sits atop our pump house like a gigantic Victorian bonnet. Hope you get that mulch!

  30. You have such a lovely place, Maura. Taking a stroll and enjoying the old place is such a delight. I've got such a weakness for old buildings and old farms. I'm still waiting on my screened in porch, too :) It's too hot to enjoy it right now anyway, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed for this fall.
    Your chicken barn/coop is a neat old building. It has such charm.
    At a house we lived in years ago, we had trumpet vines growing all over the porch. The hummingbirds LOVED them and would literally dive bomb us when they tried to get to the flowers. LOL

  31. Enjoyed the tour of your "country living". I'm on a search for vintage watering cans after seeing yours.

  32. A lovely place to be...I love it!


Thank you for stopping by! I really do appreciate your taking the time to leave a comment...I read each and every one of them. I hope your day is a good one and that you will come back again soon. Take care. Maura :)