Tuesday, July 10, 2012

It's Been Fun

Three years ago I discovered
the wonderful land of
 It was love at first visit.

It didn't take long for me to 
figure out how things worked
and before I knew it I was
considering starting
a Blog of my own.

I didn't have a clue what I 
was going to write about
but I did love taking pictures
and so I 'bit the bullet'
and jumped in.
 I had no idea what to expect. 

Nothing prepared me for the
excitement of seeing that 
first comment.

Many of you have the quote
on your blogs...
it didn't take me long to 
realize how true that was.

One of the wonderful things 
Blogging has done for me
is to help me become 
a better photographer.
Funny how your view
of the world around you 
changes when you 
see it through your
"Bloggers eyes".

all became much more
important to me.
And then of course I entered
the wonderful world of
and all the rest.

Yes Blogging taught me
many things that I can use
in life outside "Blogland".

Most importantly though
Blogging opened
a whole new world of
creativity and kinship. 
 It's been wonderful
getting to know many of you
and seeing what your 
life is like in your corner 
of the world.

Life however needs to be lived.

I have been struggling with this
for quite some time.
Since the beginning of the year
I have felt as though Blogging
has been taking over my life.
 I'm not a multi-tasker.
I wish I was!
But I'm not.

And so I have made 
the decision to quit my Blog
and get on with life.
It was a tough decision
but I feel good about it...


I will miss your sweet comments.

I will miss seeing your new
posts in my sidebar every day
but I will be visiting you
and commenting 
on your wonderful
when I can. 

I will keep my 
 Lilac Lane Cottage
on Blogger for the time being.

I wish you all the best.

It's been fun.

Thank you everyone.  


Some of you may have noticed that my pictures
lately are stamped with 
Kisiwa Creek Photography
instead of Lilac Lane Cottage. 
I just wanted you to know that I do not have another Blog.
I did start a practice Blog with this name and I even
made a stamp for my photo's if I actually went ahead with it.
I then proceeded to hit a wrong button and loose my
Lilac Lane Cottage Photoshop brushes and never
found the time to make more. 
To add to my frustration once I made the practice Blog
everything I published on Lilac Lane Cottage and every comment
I have made on other's Blogs have shown up as
Maura @ Kisiwa Creek Photography.
I'm sorry for the confusion.

now if you see a comment
on your Blog from 
Maura @ Kisiwa Creek Photography...
you'll know it's me :)



Monday, July 2, 2012

Summer Reading

I hope you are all enjoying
the summer!

I'm enjoying my "Blogging Break"
and getting things caught up 
around the farm
inside and out and I'm even 
getting time to do some reading.

Here's a book I just finished that I thought
some of you might enjoy...
it's called 
Heart To Heart / Hand In Paw

This is a wonderful true story 
about an animal loving woman in her 40's
(Peggy's mother)
who moves to the woods of Vermont with her husband to build a log home and 
live off the land.

My kind of story!

However things don't always go
as planned and life isn't always easy.
 Peggy made me laugh and cry.
Through it all you come away with 
a deeper sense of how animals
are more than just our pets.

I thoroughly enjoyed this book
and it made me appreciate
how fortunate we are here
in our cozy little farmhouse
in the country.

is also the author of
Dieting With My Dog.
 If you're looking for some
good summer reading I hope 
you'll consider this one.

Have a wonderful week!