Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Spindle Cottage

While I'm taking my "Blogging Break"
I thought you might enjoy 
watching this video of a sweet couple
from Somerset England
who LOVE to build garden sheds.
Talk about creative!
Don't forget to enlarge the video
and enjoy. 

Monday, June 25, 2012

Taking A Break

The hot weather is here
so I'm taking a 
"Blogging break" 
to catch up on things
around the farm & in
the old farmhouse.

I hope the weather is
cooler where you are.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Early Morning

It was a beautiful sunny morning
so I grabbed my camera
and snapped a few


Starting on the back porch.

I'm still patiently waiting
for the screened porch
to be built.

It will happen one day...
too many other things
need tending too
before the porch reaches
the top of the priority list.

Now on around the corner
to the Annabelle hydrangeas
along the front of the house.

They're struggling where they are
but I'll keep working on them
and hopefully one day they'll
be happy there. 

The wagon is near the arbor
and front gate. 

We have to do a bit of work 
in that area yet but it will
get done when the porch 
and new sidewalk go in.

One day 


Now we're over to the veggie
garden. I've been waiting
for free mulch for a couple
of months but I got an email
this morning that they have some
...now they just need to let me
know where it is!! 

One day I hope to have most 
of the garden area covered with mulch
to help keep the grass and 
weeds out.

Right beside the veggie garden
 is the chicken coop/garden shed.

My favorite building
here on the farm.

It's a neat old building.

Now we're over to the little 
orchard. We have two pear trees
an apple a cherry and two 
plums. We had two peach
tree's and another cherry 
but they died. All the 
fruit trees are old.
I don't know what I was doing
when I took this top photo...
I sure wasn't thinking of focusing!


This is the other pear tree above,
it's a different kind of pear.
These get a brownish
skin on them. 

We've never been able to enjoy
our fruit trees 
because the trees were let
to grow too tall over the years
(not by us)
and just when the fruit is
ripening...the birds come!

They seem to know when 
we're not home because we've
never seen them do it
but we know it's them
because before the fruit is ripe
they'll come in flocks as if to 
test how ripe the fruit is.

Then I think they send out scouts
to see when we leave the farm
for the day.

Then they fly in for the 'kill'.

I'm sure of it.

More shots of the coop/garden shed
along with one of our other 
old buildings.

Finally we're back to the porch
and the Trumpet Vine
that you just can't kill.

This old vine was growing up a
dead tree right in that spot
when we moved here 3
years ago.

We cut the tree down
(it had termites)
and dug up the vine....or
so we thought.

Now it grows up 
the eagle weather vane
and is taking over the 
old porch.

I don't really mind...
I may just let it grow along the
new porch...one day.

I hope your week is a good one
so far.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Amish Barns & Changing Times

This past weekend
hubby and I
took a little trip to
Amish country to have supper
at the 
 Carriage Crossing Restaurant
in Yoder Kansas. 

It's not far...only about
20 miles away
and it's a pretty drive with 
a few rolling hills.

Most trips we are 
rewarded by seeing Amish 
buggies traveling down the road
but on this day sadly there were none.

We thought we'd do a bit of shopping
in the little town before we ate but
by the time we got there
the stores were closing.

It was 4:30 on a Saturday!

It's a sleepy little town
but the restaurant stays open
until 9pm.

The only two buggies we saw were
tied up to hitching posts but 
there were a lot of tractors in town
with trailers attached
and a large group of Amish enjoying
a meal under the roof behind
the post office.


See the tractor with the home made trailer
behind it in the picture above? 
 The Amish seem to be using this mode
of transportation more and more in this area.

Inside you will find chairs benches or
automobile seats that can be removed.
We even saw a child's car seat
in the back of a horse trailer pulled by 
a tractor. 

This day we saw a tractor
with no trailer
carrying an Amish family consisting of
mom dad and at least 4 children
driving down the road.

They were all hanging on to something
and to each other.

I felt a little sad to see them
traveling this way instead of in their
buggy but it was about 94 that day
so maybe it was their way of 
saving the horse from the heat. 

We enjoyed our supper and 
headed home.

Along they way we pass a tiny
Amish church and graveyard.

I was told by a sweet Amish lady
one day that this was a 
church that was holding to the old
ways. They were not allowing
rubber tires on their tractors or
any farm wagons...they must be
metal. She said the congregation
was declining. 

There is a larger Amish church
closer to town and I suppose
this is where those that 
want to 'modernize'

The old church

I realize that certain things make
life easier for all of us including
the Amish...
but to me it would be a sad day
if we no longer saw
these sweet people traveling the
roads with their beautiful 
horse and buggies.

It's nice to know that there are
those out there who still
live that simple old fashioned
way of life.

I'm linking to 
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Monday, June 4, 2012

Meet Playboy

Meet Playboy.

Isn't he gorgeous!
He came to stay on our farm
last Thursday night.

I wish I could say he was ours
but he is not...he belongs to a
young woman who is a friend of ours.

Playboy had been staying
with a family where unfortunately
there was a sudden divorce
and our young friend found 
herself without a place
for her horse. 

Hubby after spraying Playboy with fly spray


So for a time this beautiful
boy will stay with us.

He is such a sweet horse
HUGE at 16 hh
and is blind in one eye.

But he 



The girls think he's handsome.

So do I!